Blink Pt2:

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Sally walked into Banto's DVD Store where a bearded man was sitting at the counter watching a shoot out on a film on the TV that was fastened to the wall.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Lawrence Nightingale." She said. "In the back." He said and Sally walked past him. "Hello?"

"Martha." The Doctor said, looking up at her.

"She does have a point, dear." A voice came from behind the camera.

"Galaxy." The Doctor frowned at the screen, though you could tell it was to the person holding the camera.

"Sorry." Martha mumbled as she walked off.

"Quite possibly." The Doctor said then paused, "Fraid so."

"Oh. Hello. Can I help you?" Larry said as he entered the room. "Hi."

"38." The Doctor said.

"Er, just a mo." Larry said and paused the playback, "Hang on. We've met, haven't we?" He asked, looking at Sally. "It'll come to you." She said. "Oh, my God." He said, crossing his hands in front of his groin. "There it is."

"Sorry. Sorry again about the whole..."

"Message from your sister."

"Oh! Okay. What? What is it? What's the message?"

"She's had to go away for a bit."


"Just a work thing. Nothing to worry about."



"And what?"

"She loves you."

"She what?"

"She said to say. She just sort of mentioned it. She loves you. There, that's nice, isn't it?" Sally asked. "Is she ill?"

"No! No."

"Am I ill?"


"Is this a trick?"

"No. She loves you."

"People don't understand time. It's not what you think it is." A voice behind the camera said.

"Who is this guy?" Sally asked. "Sorry, the pause thing keeps slipping. Stupid thing." Larry said. "Last night at Kathy's, you had him on all those screens. That same guy. Talking about, I don't know, blinking or something." She said. "Yeah, the bit about the blinking's great. I was just checking to see if they were all the same."

"What were the same? What is this? Who is he?" She asked. "An Easter egg." He said. "Excuse me?" She asked. "Like a DVD extra, yeah? You know how on DVDs they put extras on, documentaries and stuff? Well, sometimes they put on hidden ones, and they call them Easter eggs. You have to go looking for them. Follow a bunch of clues on the menu screen."

"Complicated." The Doctor said.

"Sorry. It's interesting, actually. He is on seventeen different DVDs. There are seventeen totally unrelated DVDs, all with him on. Always hidden away, always a secret. Not even the publishers know how he got there. I've talked to the manufacturers, right? They don't even know. He's like a ghost DVD extra. Just shows up where he's not supposed to be. But only on those. Those seventeen."

"Well, what does he do?"

"Just sits there, making random remarks. It's like we're having a conversation. Me and the guys are always trying to work out the other half." Larry said. "When you say you and the guys, you mean the internet, don't you?" Sally asked. "How'd you know?" He asked. "Spooky, isn't it."

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