The Christmas Invasion Pt6:

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"You know he's going to ask what's wrong if he hasn't already realised," Astro said as he watched Galaxy finish tying her shoelace on her black boots. Her outfit for this generation consisted of the black boots, black tights with grey patterns on them, a black skirt and a grey sleeveless shirt. She had come to the wardrobe after entering the Tardis and she could sense the Doctor in there as well but had made sure to not run into him, to which Astro noticed.

"And until then I will make sure not to let him talk about it, he just woke up, I want to let him enjoy it." She told him as she finished and sighed when she felt something get thrown at her and a hum going off in the room. "I agree with Blue, your reason is stupid," Astro said as she looked to see a long red coat had been thrown at her by the Tardis and she stood up to put it on. "Something's missing." Galaxy said as she buttoned up the coat, ignoring what Astro just said. Astro sighed, seems like the regeneration was not only cheeky but more stubborn too.

Astro looked around the different clothes around them to help and saw a grey beanie hat. "How 'bout this?" He asked as he brought the hat to Galaxy, she took it form him before putting it on and smiled by how comfortable it felt. "Thanks, Astro." She said before placed her sonic key around her neck before crouching in front of him. "And I know it would be good for me to talk it with the Doctor. But I can't bring myself to right now."

Galaxy remembered before she regenerated how she hated seeing the Doctor in pain, suffering because of her actions, yes she saved Rose but the cost was not only destroying her own body but the Doctor's as well when he took the Tardis' heart from her.

"What do you think?" Galaxy turned to the Doctor and she smiled at his outfit he was wearing a brown pinstriped suit and a long brown coat and a pair of converse. "Very dashing and we're matching on the coats again, leather jackets last time, long ones this time." She told him as she walked up to him and he pulled her into his arms. "Astro's right you know." He told her as he pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "About what?" She asked him frowning a bit. "This not being your fault. I heard everything while I was sleeping." He told her, it had pained him to hear Galaxy blame herself and not being able to wrap his arms around her and tell her that she did nothing wrong, that it was his choice to save her.

"If I had just thought of another way to help you, to get to you. Then maybe you wouldn't have had to change." Galaxy told him as she looked away from him, Galaxy always took the time to think of another option but not then she just went headfirst into the situation. "You don't like my new face?" He asked her saddened at the thought that she would have much preferred his old face. "I love all of your faces, Theta, but you still technically died. All because you took the time vortex from me." Galaxy told him as she stared up at his face and the Doctor placed a hand on her cheek that she leaned into. "And I'd do it again, Mira, if it meant you would still be by my side, safe and smiling." The Doctor expressed before he leaned in and placed his lips on hers for a gentle kiss.

"Now, how would you like to accompany me to dinner?" He asked her when they parted and Galaxy couldn't help but smile at him. "I'd love to." She told him and he beamed at her before the two Time Lords and their robot friend walked out of the wardrobe.

The three soon arrived at the flat and joined Rose, Mickey and Jackie for some Christmas dinner and Christmas crackers. "Oh, that's yours." The Doctor said as he handed Galaxy a blue Christmas hat and she laughed before placing it on her head and she gave him a smile. "Look, it's Harriet Jones," Rose said making the two look at the TV screen that had the news on. "Prime Minister, is it true you are no longer fit to be in position?" A reporter asked her. "No. Now, can we talk about other things?"

"Is it true you're unfit for office?" Was asked and Galaxy glanced at the Doctor when he got up and put on a pair of glasses as they watched the interview. "Look, there is nothing wrong with my health. I don't know where these stories are coming from. And a vote of no confidence is completely unjustified." Harriet stated. "Are you going to resign?" One of the reporters asked her. "On today of all days, I'm fine. Look at me, I'm fine. I look fine, I feel fine."

"It's Beth. She says go and look outside." Jackie and both the Doctor and Galaxy looked away from the screen. "Why?" Rose asked her. "I don't know, just go outside and look. Come on, shift!" Jackie said and everyone made their way outside to see the floor covered in white as white flakes fell from the sky. "Oh, it's beautiful. What are they, meteors?" Rose asked Galaxy as she stood next to her. "No, it's the last bits of the spaceships breaking up in the atmosphere. This is ash, that's falling around us." Galaxy answered as she looked up at the sky. "Okay, not so beautiful." Rose said before she watched Galaxy for a moment, "I'm sorry, for what I said earlier." She said and Galaxy smiled at her when she looked at her.

"It's okay, you didn't understand what was happening with him and a lot was going on." Galaxy assured her before she went to go stand with the Doctor who was watching them with a smile. "You know, there was something I forgot to give you earlier." The Doctor said as Galaxy stood beside him. "What?" She asked as she tilted her head before eyes widened when she saw him pull out a necklace that had a glass ball with the Nebula Galaxy inside it. "I didn't get you anything though." She told him as she let him put it on her before he stroked her cheek. "You being here is enough for me."

"So, what are you three going to do next?" Rose asked the Time Lords and Astro after watching them and they looked at her

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"So, what are you three going to do next?" Rose asked the Time Lords and Astro after watching them and they looked at her. "Well, back to the Tardis. Same old life." The Doctor told her. "Just the three of you?" She asked them and Galaxy smiled. "You don't want to come?" She asked her. "Well, yeah," Rose answered. "Do you, though?" The Doctor asked her. "Yeah."

"I just thought, because we changed." The Doctor said indicating to both the Doctor's and Galaxy's regenerations. "Yeah, I thought because you both changed you might now what me anymore," Rose told them, she wouldn't blame them for wanting to travel just the two of them with Astro. "We'd love for you to come with us, Rose," Astro assured her. "Okay." Rose smiled at them. "You're never gonna stay, are you?" Mickey asked her as he realised that she would always go off with the Doctor and Galaxy. "There's just so much out there. So much to see. I've got to go." Rose told him. "Yeah," Mickey said and Galaxy went stand next to him.

"Next we come back, I'll make you tag along, even I have to drag you into the Tardis." She told him grinning and he smiled back at her, Galaxy wanted him to go with them now, but she figured that he wouldn't want to come right now, that didn't mean he couldn't in the future. "Well, I reckon you're mad, the four of you. It's like you go looking for trouble." Jackie said as she looked at them with her arms crossed. "Trouble's just the bits in-between. It's all waiting out there, Jackie, and it's brand new to me and Galaxy. All those planets, and creatures and horizons. We haven't seen them yet! Not with these eyes. And it is going to be fantastic." The Doctor said as he wrapped his arms around Galaxy from behind.

"So, where are we heading to first?" Astro asked them. "Hmm, that way. No, hang on. That way." Galaxy said as she used the Doctor's hand to point somewhere in the night sky. "That way?" Rose asked them looking as well. "Mhm." The Doctor hummed as he rested his chin on top of Galaxy's head. "Yeah, that way seems good," Rose told them and they carried on looking at the night sky, looking forward to many adventures that waited for them.

First episode! Honestly, I didn't think it would have this many parts, on my document that I type these out on originally had four parts. The other episodes will that amount of chapters for it that or three chapters.

So, until next time Sweeties.

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