Doomsday Pt3:

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A number of Cybermen were shooting the four Daleks down in the warehouse when the Doctor and Galaxy opened a door to look for an opening before crawling over to a crate and they each grabbed a Magnaclamp before heading back but they had to dodge laser fire to do so.

"Come on, please." Rose whispered just as they made it and got to safety. "Cover me." A solider said running to join in on the fighting as the Doctor looked back with his 3D glasses. "Override roof mechanism." Sec said and the shutters of the warehouse roof started to open, "Elevate." He said and the Ark started to lift off. "What're they doing? Why do they need to get outside?" Rose asked as they watched.

"Time Lord science. What Time Lord science? What is it?" The Doctor asked confused. "It's bigger on the inside." Galaxy told him and gave him a look when he looked at her before they watched as Sec and the Ark glided out of the warehouse. "We've got to see what it's doing. We've got to go back up. Come on! All of you, top floor!" The Doctor shouted to them as they started running again. "That's forty five floors up! Believe me, I've done them all." Jackie said.

"We could always take the lift." Jake remarked as he popped his head around the doorway of the lift he came in.


"Like I said, it's bigger on the inside, basically what we're good at." Galaxy said as they got to the window in time to see the Ark shooting Daleks out all over as it span around. "Did the Time Lords put those Daleks in there? What for?" Mickey asked them. "It's a prison ship." The Doctor replied. "How man Daleks?" Rose asked. "Millions." Astro told her, it reminded him of the Time War, only this time it was the Daleks against the Cybermen.

"I'm sorry, but you've had it. This world's going to crash and burn. There's nothing we can do. We're going home." Pete spoke up as he took a yellow medallion from a commando, "Jacks, take this. You're coming with us." He told her. "But they're destroying the city." She argued. "I'd forgotten you could argue. It's not just London, it's the whole world. But there's another world just waiting for you, Jacks. And it's safe as long as the Doctor and Galaxy closes the breach."

The Doctor and Galaxy, who had been watching everything outside, turned around and the Doctor had his 3D glasses back on, Galaxy refused to continue to wear hers, they were extremely uncomfortable for her.

"Oh, we're ready. We've got the equipment right here. Thank you, Torchwood." The Doctor said as Galaxy went over to use one of the computer terminals while he stood behind her. "Slam it shut and cut both universes from each other." Galaxy said as she focused on the computer.

Reboot systems.

"But we can't just leave. What about the Daleks? And the Cybermen?" Rose asked them. "They're part of the problem, and that makes them part of the solution. Oh yes! Well? Isn't anyone going to ask what is it with the glasses?" The Doctor said. "What is with the glasses?" Rose asked him.

"I can see, that's what. So can Galaxy when she wears hers. Because we've got two separate worlds, but in between the two separate worlds, we've got the Void. That's where the Daleks were hiding. And the Cybermen travelled through the Void to get here. And you lot, one world to another, via the Void. Oh, I like that. Via the Void. Look." The Doctor said and handed Rose his glasses.

"We've been through it. Do you see?" He asked and Rose looked at the Doctor and Galaxy to see lots of speckles in the air around them, even Astro had some when she looked down at him.

Reboot in three minutes.

"What is it?" Rose asked. "It's Void stuff." Galaxy told her. "Like, er, background radiation." She said. "That's it. Look at the others. The only one who hasn't been through the Void, your mother. First time she's looked normal in all her life." The Doctor said. "Oi." Jackie said as Galaxy shook her head. "Of course the Daleks lived inside the Void. So they're bristling with the stuff as are the Cybermen. The Doctor and I just need to open the Void and reverse. And the Void gets sucked back inside."

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