The Christmas Invasion Pt2:

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Once making sure Galaxy was all right, the Doctor lead the others outside and he and Galaxy looked over the balcony to see three Santa's staring at them and the one in between was holding a radio controller. "That's them. What are they?" Mickey asked the two Time Lords as he pointed to the three Santa's below. "Shush!" Rose warned him and the Doctor pointed his screwdriver at the Santa's, causing them to back away so they were closer to each other before they teleported away.

"They've just gone. What kind of rubbish were they? I mean, no offence, but they're not much cop if a sonic screwdriver's going to scare them off." Mickey said and Galaxy shook her head, she liked Mickey, but he could be an idiot sometimes. "Pilotfish." The Doctor told them. "What?" Rose asked confused. "The Santa's were just pilot fish." Galaxy told her as the Doctor groaned and suddenly leaned on her and she kept him steady and gently placed him on the floor.

"I woke up too soon." He told her as she looked at him with concern, "I'm still regenerating. I'm bursting with energy." He said and he exhaled some regeneration energy. "The pilot fish would have been able to smell that from a million miles away," Astro said and he and Galaxy looked at each other, knowing that they probably caught on Galaxy's regeneration energy. "So they eliminate the defence, that's you lot." The Doctor said as he looked at Rose and the others, "And they carry me and Galaxy off. They could run their batteries on us for a couple of ow!" The Doctor groaned in pain and Galaxy gently grabbed his head, "My head! I'm having a neuron implosion I need-"

"What do you need?" Jackie asked him interrupting him. "I need-" "Say it. Tell me, tell me, tell me." "I need-" "Painkillers?" "I need-" "Codeine? Paracetamol? Oh, I don't know, Pepto-Bismol?" I need-" "Liquid paraffin. Vitamin C? Vitamin D? vitamin E?"

"Jackie, please shut up." Galaxy told her in the nicest way possible as she rubbed her thumbs against the Doctor's head as he rested his forehead against her shoulder. "We haven't got much time. If there's a pilot fish, then...Why's there an apple in my dressing gown?" The Doctor as he pulled away from Galaxy and pulled out an apple and the two looked at Jackie. "Oh, that's Howard. Sorry." She answered. "He keeps an apple in his dressing gown?" Galaxy asked frowning, and she thought the Doctor's sleeping attire was questionable. "He gets hungry.

"What, he gets hungry in his sleep?" The Doctor asked her. "Sometimes," Jackie told them before the Doctor groaned again in pain. "Brain collapsing. The pilot fish. The pilot fish means that something, something, something is coming." He said before be passed out again and fell forward into Galaxy's waiting arms and with the help of Mickey, they placed him safely back in bed.

Rose handed Galaxy a wet cloth once she sat down in her spot on the bed and wiped his brow that was sweaty and Galaxy sighed at the sight of him, he was worse than before and this talk about the pilot fish and how they would have smelt their regeneration energy, just made her blame herself more and more, which was starting to worry Astro greatly.

"Any change?" Jackie asked Galaxy once she left and Rose left the bedroom and Galaxy leaned against the door frame with her arms wrapped around her. "He's getting worse. Just one heart beating now." She sighed and rested her head on the door frame and Astro nuzzled his head against her leg in comfort. "Here we are, pilot fish. Scavengers, like the Doctor said. Harmless. They're tiny. But the point is, the little fish swim alongside the big fish."

"Do you mean like sharks?" Rose asked him as she went to stand behind him. "Great big sharks. So, what the Doctor means is, we had them, now we get that." Mickey told her as he showed her a visual example. "Something is coming." Galaxy spoke up, saying the words the Doctor did before he collapsed. "How close?" Rose asked her. "There's probably now way of telling, but you can bet that they don't swim far from the parents," Astro answered for her. "So, it's close?"

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