Utopia Pt2:

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"It looks like a box, a big blue box. I'm sorry, but I really need it back. It's stuck out there." The Doctor said as they were standing around as they talked to a guard called Atillo. "I'm sorry, but my family were heading for the silo. Did they get here? My mother is Kistane Shafe Cane. My brother is Beltone." Padrafet said.

"The computers are down but you can check the paperwork. Creet! Passenger needs help." A young blond boy, probably about 10, walked up to them. "Right. What d'you need?" He asked and Padrafet walked over to him and looked through his clipboard.

"A blue box, you said." Atillo said. "Big, tall, wooden. Says 'Police'." Galaxy said, helping and he hesitated for a moment before sighing. "We're driving out for a last water collection. I'll see what I can do." He told them. "Thank you." The Doctor grinned.

"Come on." Creet said to Padrafet, leading him off. "Sorry, but how old are you?" Martha asked as they followed them. "Old enough to work. This way." He said.

On a wall were pictures of loved ones while they walked through a corridor that had people camping out.

"Kistane Shafe Cane. Kistane Shafe Cane. Kistane and Beltone Shafe Cane? Looking for a Kistane and Beltone Shafekan?"

"The Shafe Canes, anyone? Kistane from Red Force Five? My name's Padra." Padrafet called. "Anyone? Kistane and Beltone Shafe Cane? Anyone know the Shafe Cane family? Anyone called Shafe Cane?"

"It's like a refugee camp." Martha said. "Stinking. Oh, sorry. No offence." Jack said. "Don't you see that?" The Doctor grinned, "The ripe old smell of humans. You survived. Oh, much better than a million years evolving into clouds of gas. And then another million as downloads, but you always revert to the same basic shape. The fundamental humans."

"Kistane Shafe Cane!"

"End of the universe and here you are." The Doctor said. "Indomitable." Galaxy said thoughtfully. "That's the word! Indomitable! Ha!" The Doctor grinned.

"Is there a Kistane Shafe Cane?" Creet called.

"That's me!" A woman shouted as she stood up and gasped when she saw Padrefet. "Mother?" He asked, pushing past the others to get to her. "Oh my God." She cried as another man stood up, his brother. "Beltone?" Padrefet ran over to them and embraced his family.

"It's now all bad news." Martha said as she smiled while Jack shook hands with a young man that had stood up. "Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?" Jack asked. "Stop it!" Galaxy said though she was laughing.

"Give us a hand with this." The Doctor called to Jack as he was sonicing a door, trying to get it open. Jack reluctantly let go of the man's hand and joined them at the door. "It's half deadlocked. See if you can overwrite the code. Let's find out where we are."

The Doctor, Galaxy and Jack were able to get the door open and it showed to open up to a giant rocket silo and the Doctor nearly fell if Jack hadn't grabbed him.

"Gotcha." Jack said as he pulled him back.


"How did you cope without me?"

"Galaxy's done a pretty good job so far." Martha commented. "Yeah, when I don't nearly get a heart attack with the stunts he pulls." Galaxy remarked and looked at the transport before them, "That's a rocket." She said. "They're not refugees, they're passengers!" The Doctor exclaimed.

"He said they were going to Utopia." Martha added. "It's the perfect place. Hundred trillion years and it's still the same old dream." Astro noted. "Recognise the engines?" Galaxy asked Jack. "Nope. Whatever it is, it's not rocket science. But it's hot, though." He answered.

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