The Lazarus Experiment Pt3:

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Martha was on her way back to the reception area when she heard a blast near her and she knew it came from the labs so she raced down the hallway and ran into the Doctor.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. "I'm returning this. I thought you might need it and I was on my way back to Galaxy." She told him as she held out his sonic to him. "Wait, she's still in here?" He asked, his eyes widening, he had hoped she would've gotten out with the guests.

"She was doing something to the machine and had me get everyone out. I was heading back to her when I heard the explosion. I guessed it was you." She told him. "I blasted Lazarus." He said. "Did you kill him?"

Then, Lazaru came crashing down the hall.

"More sort of annoyed him, I'd say."

They ran back to the reception area and Martha spotted Galaxy instantly who was putting her sonic key around her neck as she stepped away from the machine.

"Galaxy!" She shouted as she ran over to her. She turned her and checked her eyes to make sure she didn't have a concussion or any other sort of injury. "What are you doing?" The Doctor asked as he walked over and Martha hugged Galaxy in relief when she saw nothing was wrong.

"Her nose was bleeding earlier." Martha answered as she pulled away. "What?" He asked and grabbed Galaxy by the arms and pulled her closer to him, "Are you alright?" He asked as he checked her over.

"I'm fine. It was just a nosebleed." She assured him and placed her hands on his cheeks when he frowned after seeing evidence of said nosebleed under her nose. "What do we do now? We've just gone round in a circle." Martha said, looking around.

Lazarus burst into the room then and Galaxy pulled away from the Doctor and pushed him and Martha toward the machine.

"We can't lead him outside. Get in, come on." She said and just managed to get inside herself and close the door behind her. "Are we hiding?" Martha asked as she was squashed between Galaxy and the Doctor. "No, he knows we're here. But this is his masterpiece. I'm betting he won't destroy it, not even to get to us."

"But we're trapped!" Martha exclaimed. "Well, yeah, that's a slight problem." He said. "You mean you don't have a plan?" She asked. "I do." Galaxy said, smiling. "You do?" Martha asked and she nodded. "The energy field reactivated Lazarus' dormant genes when he changed his DNA. They're becoming dominant." She said. "So, it's a throwback." Martha realised.

"Some option that evolution rejected for you millions of years ago, but the potential is still there. Locked away in your genes, forgotten about until Lazarus unlocked it by mistake." The Doctor explained. "It's like Pandora's Box. What's the plan anyway?"

"Wait for it." Galaxy said, smiling and moments later, the machine started up. "He's switched the machine on." The Doctor and he hoped Galaxy' plan, whatever it was, would work. "That's not good, is it? Is this part of the plan?" Martha asked Galaxy who nodded.

The energy field charged up and glowed brighter than it did during Lazarus' experiment but then it moved from the capsule, leaving them unharmed. They listened for a moment and when they heard nothing they stepped out to see him lying on the floor, still young but human again.

"I made the capsule reflect the energy instead of receive it." Galaxy said as they stared at the professor. "Did it kill him?" Martha asked. "When he transformed, he was three times his size, cellular triplication, he spread himself thin." The Doctor explained then looked at Galaxy, "It took you all this time to reverse the polarity? You might be a bit out of practice." He said, grinning slightly.

"Worrying about you can be rather distracting." She told him, rolling her eyes. "He seems so...Human again. It's kind of pitiful." Martha said as she crouched next to the body. "Eliot saw that, too. 'This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.'"

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