New Earth Pt4:

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A little later the four were back on Ward 26 and they watched as some of the officers took the nurses away. "The Face of Boe!" The Doctor said before they ran to where the Face of Boe was, who was awake and the last person on the ward. "You were supposed to be dying." He said to him as he looked at the Face of Boe. "There are better things to do today. Dying can wait." The Face of Boe said. "Oh, I hate telepathy. Just what I need, a head full of big face." Cassandra complained as she crossed her arms. "Shh!"

"I have grown tired with the universe, Doctor, but you have taught me to look at it anew." The Face of Boe spoke. "There are legends, you know, saying that you're millions of years old." The Doctor said as he crouched down in front of the container. "There are? That would be impossible." "Wouldn't it just? I got the impression there was something that you want to tell me." The Doctor said. "A great secret." The Face of Boe responded. "So, the legend says."

"It can wait." The Face of Boe told him. "Oh, does it have to?" The Doctor asked him. "We shall meet again, Doctor, for the third time, for the last time, and the truth shall be told. Until that day..." The Face of Boe trailed off before be was beamed away and Astro was saddened a bit that Galaxy didn't get to say goodbye to him. "That is enigmatic. That, that is, that is textbook enigmatic. And now for you." The Doctor said as he got up and turned to Cassandra, who was still controlling Galaxy's body. "But everyone's happy. Everything's fine. Can't you just leave me?" She asked him smiling. "You've lived long enough. Leave that body and end it, Cassandra."

"I don't want to die," Cassandra said as she started to cry. "No one does." He told her and he had to remember that it was still Cassandra in Galaxy's body. "Help me," Cassandra begged him. "I can't." He told her. "Mistress!" Everyone turned to see Chip running toward them and honestly Astro was surprised that he was still alive. "Oh, you're alive," Cassandra said as he came up to them. "I kept myself safe for you, mistress." He told her smiling and Cassandra smirked. "A body. And not just that, a volunteer." Cassandra said. "Don't Cassandra, he has a life of his own," Astro warned her. "But I worship the mistress. I welcome her."

"You can't, Cassandra, you..." The Doctor cut himself off when he saw Cassandra transfer from Galaxy to Chip and he caught Galaxy when she started to fall. "Oh! You all right? Whoa! Okay?" He asked as he held Galaxy in his arms and she rested her forehead against his shoulder before she looked up at him. "Yeah, hey." She said smiling and he smiled back and rubbed his thumb against her cheek. "Hello. Welcome back." He said as he gave her a kiss. "Oh, sweet Lord. I'm a walking doodle." The two looked at Cassandra that was now in Chips body.

"You can't stay in there. I'm sorry, Cassandra, but that's not fair. I can take you to the city. They can build you a skin tank and you can stand trial for what you've done." The Doctor told her as he kept an arm around Galaxy's waist. "Well, that would be rather dramatic. Possibly my finest hour, and certainly my finest hat, but I'm afraid we don't have time. Poor little Chip is only half-life, and he's been through so much. His heart is racing so. He's failing. I don't think he's going to last." Cassandra said as she fell to her knees.

"Are you all right?" Galaxy asked as she and the Doctor knelled in front of Cassandra. "I'm fine. I'm dying, but that's fine." Cassandra answered. "We can take you to the city." The Doctor told her. "No, you won't. everything's new on this planet. There's no place for Chip and me any more. You're right, Doctor. It's time to die, and that's good." Cassandra said and Galaxy looked at her before she stood up and held out her hand. "Come on, there's one last thing we can do for you." She told her as she smiled down at her and Cassandra took it and let Galaxy pull her up.


Galaxy had the Tardis materialise to a party while being out of sight like Cassandra had looked at some of her memories, Galaxy had been able to see some of hers and she saw one of the last times she was in her human form and despite being possessed by Cassandra, she thought that she should have her last moments there.

"Thank you," Cassandra said to her when she saw where she had brought her and she saw her past self before her. "Just go. And don't look back." The Doctor told her. "Good luck." Rose and Galaxy said before they watched Cassandra walk off after she smiled at them and Galaxy smiled as she felt the Doctor take hold of her hand before the headed back to the Tardis.

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