The Shakespeare Code Pt2:

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"Well then, mystery solved. That's Love's Labour's Won over and done with. Thought it might be something more, you know, more mysterious." Martha said as she was having a drink when suddenly a man's scream came from the street outside and then a women's.

The four quickly went outside and saw the man from before staggering as he kept choking up water.

"It's that Lynley bloke." Martha said. "What's wrong with him? Leave it to me. I'm a doctor." The Doctor said as he went to Lynley. "So am I, near enough." Martha added also going to him and he soon collapsed.

"Got to get the heart going. Mister Lynley, come on. Can you hear me? You're going to be alright." Martha said as she started clearly Lynley's airways as Galaxy knelt on the other side of him and she saw water gushing out. "What the hell is that?"

"I don't know. His lungs are full of water so he drowned and then, something like a blow to the heart, an invisible blow." Galaxy said. "Good mistress, this poor fellow has died from a sudden imbalance of the humours. A natural if unfortunate demise. Call a constable and have him taken away." The Doctor said.

"Yes, sir."

"I'll do it, ma'am." The lady from the balcony said and walked back inside. "And why are you telling them that?" Martha asked, looking at the Doctor. "This lot still have got one foot in the Dark Ages. If I tell them the truth, they'll panic and think it was witchcraft." He said. "Okay, what was it then?"

"Witchcraft." Galaxy said as they and Shakespeare walked back to Shakespeare's room.

"I got you a room, Sir Doctor. You, Miss Jones, and Miss Galaxy are just across the landing." The waitress said. "Poor Lynley. So many strange events. Not least of all, this land of Freedonia where a woman can be a doctor?" Shakespeare said, looking at Martha. "Where a woman can do what she likes."

"And you, Sir Doctor, Miss Galaxy. How can you two be so young have eyes so old?" He asked the two. "We do a lot of reading." The Doctor answered. "A trite reply. Yeah, that's what I'd do. And you? You look at them like you're surprised they exist. They're as much of a puzzle to you as they are to me."

"I think we should say goodnight." Martha said, walking out. "I must work. I have a play to complete. But I'll get my answers tomorrow, Doctor, Galaxy, and I'll discover more about you two and why this constant performance of yours."

"All the world's a stage." Galaxy said. "Hmm. I might use that. Goodnight, Doctor, Galaxy." Shakespeare said. "Nighty night, Shakespeare." The Doctor said as he and Galaxy walked out, leaving the man to write.

Martha was looking around the room with a candle in her hand when the Doctor and Galaxy walked in.

"It's not exactly five star, is it?" She asked. "Oh, it'll do. We've seen worse." The Doctor said. "I haven't even got a toothbrush." Martha said and Galaxy ruffled around her pockets and pulled out a toothbrush. "Here. Has Venusian spearmint." She told her, giving it to her.

"So, who's going where? I mean, there's only one bed." Martha said. "You take it, we don't need as much sleep as you." Galaxy told her as she took a seat on a bench that was in the room.

Really they didn't need to sleep at all but Galaxy liked it to calm her mind down every once in a while and if she ever used her implants, she'd need to rest after that. The Doctor only ever slept when she did so he could always cuddle up with her in bed.

"So, magic and stuff. That's a surprise. It's all a little bit Harry Potter." Martha said as the Doctor sat next to Galaxy. "Wait till you read book seven. Oh, I cried." He said and Galaxy chuckled as she rested her head on his shoulder. "But it's real, though? I mean, witches, black magic and all that, it's real?"

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