The Christmas Invasion Pt5:

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"Bit of fresh air?" Rose, Galaxy and Astro followed close behind the two along with the others but Galaxy had to grab Rose when she realised she was getting too close, "Stay back! Invalidate the challenge and he wins the planet." The Doctor shouted when he also noticed she was getting too close. The Sycorax was able to get the upper hand on the Doctor and was able to knock him down on the ground and he slashed his sword down and the Doctor's hand was cut off. "You cut my hand off."

'The Doctor's still in his fifteen-hour cycle, isn't he?' Astro asked Galaxy as he looked up at her. 'Yeah, he is.' Galaxy responded as they watched the Sycorax cheer. "And now I know what sort of man I am. I'm lucky." The Doctor stood up, "Because quite by chance I'm still within the first fifteen hours of my regeneration cycle, which means I've got just enough residual cellular energy to do this." They then watched as a new hand appeared in the place the old one was at, which shocked everyone except for Galaxy and Astro. "Witchcraft." The Sycorax gasped. "Time Lord."

"I'm gonna need this." Galaxy said she took a sword from one of the nearby Sycorax, "Doctor!" She shouted and threw him the sword. "Oh, so I'm still the Doctor, then?" He asked as he swung the sword. 'You always were for me.' Galaxy told him through his mind and he smiled. "No arguments from me!" Rose shouted smiling, Galaxy was right, he was still the same old Doctor and that guilt she felt before came back for how she didn't believe Galaxy and blamed her. "Want to know the best bit? This new hand? It's a fighting hand!" The Doctor said and the fight between him and the leader started again and the Doctor was able to disarm him and knocked him to the ground but hitting him twice in the abdomen.

"I win." He said as he had the tip of the sword pointed at the Sycorax. "Then kill me." They Sycorax said and the Doctor glanced back at Galaxy before looking back at the Sycorax. "I'll spare your life if you'll take this Champion's command. Leave this planet, and never return. What do you say?" He asked. "Yes." The Sycorax answered. "Swear on the blood of your species." The said as he pressed the sword closer to him. "I swear."

"There we are, then. Thanks for that. Cheers, big fellow." The Doctor smiled and moved the sword away. "Bravo!" Harriet exclaimed as he walked toward Galaxy and the others. "That says it all. Bravo!" Rose agreed as Galaxy helped him put the dressing gown on. "Very Arthur Dent. Now, there was a nice man." The Doctor said as he wrapped an arm around Galaxy's shoulders, "Hold on, what have I got in here? A satsuma." He said as he pulled out a satsuma out of the pocket of the dressing gown, "Ah, that friend of your mother's. he does like his snacks doesn't he? But does that just sum up Christmas? You go through all those presents and right at the end, tucked away at the bottom, there's always one stupid old satsuma. Who wants a satsuma?" He asked and held in front of Galaxy who pulled a face of disgust, seems like this regeneration doesn't like satsumas.

The Sycorax leader suddenly got up and grabbed his sword before rushing toward the group in hopes of getting the Doctor. The Doctor though ended up throwing the satsuma at a control button on the wall of the ship which caused a piece of its wing to open, causing the Sycorax to fall to his death. "No second chances. I'm that sort of man." The Doctor said as he continued walking, they reached the inside of the spaceship and Galaxy and Astro stood by the Doctor's side as he addressed of the Sycorax.

"By the ancient rites of combat, I forbid you to scavenge here for the rest of time. And when you go back to the stars and tell others of this planet when you tell them of its riches, it's people, it's potential. When you talk of the Earth, then make sure that you tell them this. It is defended." The Doctor said and they were beamed off the spaceship.


"Where are we?" Rose asked as she looked around the area they were at before her eyes landed on Galaxy, she was right, the Doctor was still the Doctor even if he had a different face, even Galaxy was still the same Galaxy. "We're just off Bloxham Road. We're just around the corner, we did it!" Mickey exclaimed with a huge smile on his face. "Wait a minute, wait a minute." The Doctor said as they looked up to see the Sycorax spaceship fly back into space. Seeing this Rose and Mickey celebrated which made the Doctor smile but it dimmed when he looked at Galaxy and saw her and Astro standing away from everyone, still looking up at the sky.

"My Doctor," Harriet said getting his attention to her and away from Galaxy. "Prime Minister." He said back and the two hugged. "Absolutely the same man. Are there many more out there?" She asked him when they pulled away. "Oh, not just Sycorax. Hundreds of species. Thousands of them. And the human race is drawing attention to itself. Every day you're sending out probes and messages and signals. This planet's so noisy. You're getting noticed more and more. You're better get used to it." The Doctor told her. "Rose!" Jackie shouted as she ran up to them. "Oh, talking of trouble." The Doctor mumbled and felt Galaxy mentally slap him in his head and looked to see her smirking a bit at him.

"Oh, my God! You did it, Rose! Oh!" Jackie exclaimed, happy to see her daughter safe. "You did it too! It was the tea. Fixed his head." Rose said Galaxy knew that hence why she had drunk her own, it helped her a lot. "That was all I needed, a cup of tea." The Doctor said as Galaxy went to stand next to him. "I said so." Jackie said, "Is it him though? Is it really the Doctor?" She asked looking at Galaxy who nodded her head smiling. "Oh, my God, it's the bleeding Prime Minister!" Jackie exclaimed when she saw Harriet. "Come here, you." The Doctor said and the three walked up to them and all had a group hug. "Are you feeling better?" Galaxy asked him when they broke the hug but the Doctor kept his arm around her.

"I am, yeah." He smiled down at her, "Are you?" He asked her and she returned his smile with her own. "I am now that you're awake." She told him as she leaned into him and he pressed a kiss on top of her head. "Er, guys..." Astro called as he looked up at the sky and the rest followed suit and they were horrified when they saw five green beams shoot into the sky and both the Time Lords knew where they were heading. "What is that? What's happening?" Rose asked them confused when they saw an explosion in the sky. "That was murder." The Doctor frowned as he turned to Harriet. "That was defence. It's adapted from alien technology. A ship that fell to Earth 10 years ago." She told them calmly. "They were leaving." Galaxy frowned at her, she had just caused a genocide, had killed innocents that were leaving the planet.

"It's like the Doctor said, they'd go back to the stars and tell others about the Earth," Harriet told her before looking at the Doctor. "I'm sorry, Doctor, but you're not here all the time. You come and go. It happened today. Mister Llewellyn and the Major, they were murdered. They died right in front of me while you were sleeping. In which case we have to defend ourselves." Harriet spoke. "Britain's Golden Age." The Doctor said with disappointment. "It comes with a price," Harriet said. "I gave them the wrong warning. I should've told them to run as fast as they can, run and hide because the monsters are coming. The human race."

"Those are the people I represent. I did it on their behalf." Harriet defended. "Then I should have stopped you." He said. "What does that make you, Doctor? Another Alien threat?" She asked him. "Don't challenge me, Harriet Jones, because I'm a completely new man. I could bring down your Government with a single word." He threatened. "You're the most remarkable man I've ever met, but I don't think you're quite capable of that." She told him, there was no way that someone had the power, not even the Doctor. "You're right, he couldn't bring you down with one word." Galaxy spoke up making the two look at her, "Six on the other hand..." She trailed off tilting her head. "I don't think so." Harriet scoffed at her.

"Six words." The Doctor said agreeing with Galaxy. "Stop it!" Harriet shouted at him. "Six." He said calmly and Galaxy watched him go toward Alex before she walked toward the Tardis with Astro behind her, now that they weren't in immediate danger her mind went back to putting the blame on her for having the Doctor regenerate, she watched for a moment before slipping inside the Tardis, unaware of the Doctor watching her.

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