Last of the Time Lords Pt4:

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Galaxy stumbled backwards, the Master on the ground since she pushed him out the way of the shot Lucy fired.

Jack took the gun from the dazed woman as the Doctor rushed over to Galaxy and caught her as she fell.

"She was shooting to kill." She gasped out before letting out a slight painful gasp. "Hey, don't talk. You're gonna be okay, yeah?" He said trying to hide the shake in his voice as he stroked her hair, comforting her through the pain.

The Master recovered from his shock and knelt across from the Doctor, his cuffed hands in front of him as he had managed to get his arms around his legs. "Uncuff me." He said to the Doctor who looked at him before looking down at Galaxy, "Please!"

Astro went over to them and snapped the chain of the cuffs with his teeth and the Master placed his hands on Galaxy's face with tears in his eyes.

"Why did you do that?" He asked and she looked up at him. "I-I lost you once already, not again." She told him and he rested his forehead against hers.

She groaned as she felt her regeneration process started and the Doctor and the Master gave her space as the energy spiralled out of her.

Moments later, when the glow died down, Galaxy shot up with a gasp for her, completely healed and looking very different. She now had short black hair with dark green highlights and a hair of light brown eyes.

The Master quickly pulled her to him in a bone crunching hug and she hugged him back just as tight until he stiffened in her arms which caused her to pull away. She looked down and her eyes widened when she saw blood seeping through the front of his clothes.

He slumped in her arms as she looked to see Mr Jones with a gun of his own in his hands. "I told you I'd do it." He said to his wife, before dropping the gun. It didn't matter what touching moment had just happened, he was still a monster.

"Regenerate, come on, just rengerate." She begged as tears welled up in her eyes and he smiled up at her and shook his head. "No." He told her and it was her turn to shake her head. "No, please, rengerate! I did, now you have to!"

"I won't...I won't be his prisoner."

"You'll be with me though...Just regenerate." She whispered brokenly. He reached up and she grabbed his hand when he placed it on her cheek. "I don't want you to see me imprisoned. I don't want you to carry on hating me."

"I never did. Nor could I ever." She told him, honestly, no matter what he'd do, he'd always be her brother. "One day you will...I'm sorry Sissy..."

Galaxy shook her head when she realised he was serious in not regenerating and she scooped him up so he was resting against her more and rested her head on top of his as he took his final breath.

"At least you're free of the drumming now." She whispered before breaking down, crying into her brother's hair.


The Doctor, Martha, Jack, Astro and Galaxy were standing at the railings of a building in Cardiff overlooking the bay.

Galaxy was already in a new set of clothes, having gotten out of her previous ones when she had the time. She now wore a white no sleeve dress with black tights underneath, black studded boots and a black and dark red leather jacket that ended at her thighs.

"Time was, every single one of these people knew your name. Now they've all forgotten you." Martha said and glanced worriedly at Galaxy who was looking at the people with a sad look on her face, she hadn't even said much since what happened.

"Good." The Doctor said, nodding, also worried about Galaxy. "Back to work." Jack said. "We really don't mind, though. Come with us." The Doctor said to him, knowing one thing that could probably lift Galaxy's spirits up would be Jack travelling with them.

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