The Family of Blood Pt2:

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They rechecked all the rooms again, even had Astro try and pick up Timothy's scent but they weren't able to find the boy anywhere. Martha was getting frustrated more than Galaxy, pretty much because she had to do the searching all over again.

"Can't you just sense the watch?" Martha asked as they walked out of a room that was empty. "Not if it's closed." She told her and was going to suggest splitting up when her head went in one direction.

The watch was open. She took off running, Martha and Astro following close behind, they ran through the halls until they reached the dorm room....But it was empty.

"Okay, this kid is good at hiding." Astro said while Martha groaned in frustration. "Guys." Galaxy called, the two saw her looking out a window and then the sounds of guns went off. "So it's started."

Galaxy watched as they boys all shot at the scarecrows but her eyes then went to John, she saw his gun was raised but he wasn't shooting and she knew some of her words had got to him, made some sense to him.

The three made their way downstairs when she saw it was ending and they got outside to see the headmaster standing beside the little girl with the red balloon.

"Mr Rocastle, please. Don't go near her." Martha pleaded. "You were told to be quiet." He said, glaring at her. "And you were told this was something you couldn't fight." Galaxy spoke up, glaring at him. "Listen to me. She's part of it! Matron, tell him." Martha said since Redfern had followed them when she saw them.

"I think...I don't know. I think you should stay away, Headmaster." Redfern said. "John." Galaxy said. "She was...she was with...with Baines in the village." He confirmed. "Mr Smith, I've seen many strange sightings this night but there is no cause on God's Earth that would allow me to see this child in the field of battle, sir. Come with me."

"You're funny." The girl said. "That's right. Now take my hand." The headmaster said, holding out a hand. "So funny." She repeated before pulling out a coat and shot the headmaster. "Now who's going to shoot me, any of you, really?" She asked the boys. "Put down your guns." John ordered.

"But sir, the Headmaster..." Hutchinson started. "I'll not see this happen. Not anymore. You will all orderly fashion back through the school. Hutchinson, lead the way." He ordered. "But sir..." Hutchinson argued. "I said, lead the way." He ordered.

"Go on, run!" Baines called as he fired his gun, causing the boys to panic and run inside. "Come on!" Martha shouted as Galaxy grabbed John's hand and pulled him inside.

They lead some of the younger boys down a passage in the basement of the stables, rushing them through to get them out of the school before the scarecrows got them.

"Let's go!" John shouted. "As quick as you can." Galaxy said. "Don't go to the village, it's not safe!" Martha added. "And you, ladies." John said, turning to the three. "Not till we've got the boys out." Redfern argued.

'Galaxy, Tim wasn't among the last of the boys.' Astro told her and she frowned and started running back the passage when John stopped her. "Let go. There are still boys in the school." She told him.

"I insist the lot of you just go." He said, pushing her back to Martha who held her, "If there are any more boys inside, I'll find them." He said and went to open the door of the passage, only to see a number of scarecrows on the other side and he quickly closed it and locked it. "I think...retreat!"


They walked along the edge of the forest, trying to sneak around the school when they heard someone shouting. "Doctor! Doctor!" They called in a singsong voice. They crouched behind some bushes and saw Mr Clark standing in front of the Tardis with some scarecrow.

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