School Reunion Pt3:

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The group stood walked toward the school the next morning as pupils made their way to school as well. "Rose and Sarah, you go to the maths room. Crack open those computers, I need to see the hardware inside." The Doctor told them. "Use this, you might need it." Galaxy said as she pulled out her sonic key from under her coat and took it off, Rose held her hand out but Galaxy gave it to Sarah Jane, Sarah Jane knew how to work Galaxy's sonic better than Rose since hers was different to the Doctor's.

"Mickey, surveillance. I want you outside." "Just stand outside?" Mickey asked him. "Here, take these you can keep K9 and Astro company." Sarah Jane said and threw Mickey her car keys, Galaxy didn't want Astro to come and either get lost among the students or gain unwanted attention. "Don't forget to leave the window opened a crack." The Doctor called as they started walking toward the school. "But they're metal!" "I didn't mean for them." The Doctor said and Galaxy whacked him a bit on the arm and gave him a look when he looked at her. "What're you two going to do?"

"It's time we had a word with Mister Finch." The Doctor said and took Galaxy's hand as they go inside the school and find Finch before following him to where the pool is with them standing at one side and Finch standing at the other.

"Who are you?" The Doctor asked Finch. "My name is Brother Lassa. And you two?" "The Doctor, this is Galaxy. Since when did Krillitanes have wings?" The Doctor asked him who started wandering on his side. "It's been our form for nearly ten generations now. Our ancestors invaded Bessan. The people there had some rather lovely wings. They made a million widows in one day. Just imagine." "And now your shape's humans." "A personal favourite, that's all." "What about the others?" Galaxy asked him.

"My brothers remain bat form. What you see is a simple morphic illusion. Scratch the surface and the true Krillitane lies beneath. And what of the Time Lords? I always thought of you as such a pompous race. Ancient, dusty senators, so frightened of change and chaos. And of course, they're all but extinct. Only you two. That last." Finch jabbed at the two as they walked to come face to face with each other. "This plan of yours. What is it?" The Doctor asked him. "You don't know."

"Which is why we're asking." Galaxy told him. "Well, show me how clever you both are. Work it out." "If we don't like it, then we will stop it." The Doctor warned him. "Fascinating. Your people were peaceful to the point of indolence. You both seem to be something new. Would you declare war on us?" Finch asked them. "We're so old now. We used to have so much mercy. You get one warning. That was it." The Doctor said. "But we're not even enemies. Soon you will embrace us. The next time we meet, you both will join me. I promise you."


"Surveillance. If you ask me, it's just another way of saying go at the back of the class with the safety scissors and glitter." Mickey said as he was sat in the car with Astro and K9. "Despite what the Doctor said I know Galaxy would want you to stay safe, it's why she didn't argue," Astro told him, he had seen how happy Galaxy was to hear from Mickey when he called Rose, she had really taken a liking to him and at this point, Astro was waiting for Galaxy to sneak him onto the Tardis so he could come with them.


The Doctor and Galaxy went to where Rose and Sarah Jane were and when they went into the computer room they saw the two laughing. "How's it going?" The Doctor asked but they just carried on laughing. "What? Listen, I need to find out what's programmed inside these." The Doctor said but he was confused with what was going on and Galaxy couldn't help but smile at the two women now seeming to get along with each other, "What? Stop it!" Galaxy chuckled at the childlike whine that was in the Doctor's voice when he said that as well as seeing him still confused at what was going on.

A while later, Rose ended up going toward the door when she saw children making their way to the room. "No, no. This classroom's out of bounds. You've all got to go to the South Hall. Off you go. South Hall." She told them while the Doctor and Galaxy worked on getting inside the CPU they were at. "I can't shift it." The Doctor said as he used Galaxy's sonic key to see if it would make a difference from using his own but it also wasn't having luck in getting past the deadlock seal.

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