The Girl in The Fireplace Pt2:

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The first thing Galaxy and Astro noticed when they looked at the room was that it no longer held any indication that it was a children's bedroom, instead, it was a big, plush, split level room. "Did it look like this when you two were here?" The Doctor asked them and Galaxy shook her head. "Nope." She told him as the Doctor walked over to the harp and played a few notes. "Reinette? Just checking to make sure you're okay."

"Ahem." Galaxy turned around to see a young woman watching her, the Doctor and Astro. "Er, sorry. I was just looking for Reinette. This is still her room, isn't it? I don't really know how long Astro and I have been." Galaxy said as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Reinette! We're ready to go." "Go to the carriage, Mother. I will join you there." The young woman spoke keeping her eyes on Galaxy who connected the dots, "It is customary, I think, to have an imaginary friend only during one's childhood. You are to be congratulated on your persistence."

Reinette. You've grown beautifully." "And you do not appear to have aged a single day. That is tremendously impolite of you." Reinette told her as she walked up to her. "Heh, yes, sorry. Listen, I would love to catch up but we better be off. Don't really want your mother to find you up here with a strange man and woman with their dog, do we?" Galaxy said as she grabbed the Doctor's hand and pulled him backwards. "Strange? How could either of you be strangers to me? I've known you since I was seven years old, as for him, I guess he's a friend of yours."

"I suppose you have." Galaxy said thoughtfully. "We came the quick route." The Doctor added. "You seem to be flesh and blood, at any rate, bit this is absurd. Reason tells me you cannot be real." "Oh, you never want to listen to reason." The Doctor told her. "Mademoiselle! Your mother grows impatient." A servant called from outside the room. "A moment! So many questions. So little time." Reinette said before she placed a kiss on Galaxy's cheek. "Mademoiselle Poisson!" Reinette moved away from Galaxy and ran out of the room.

"Poisson? Reinette Poisson? No! No, no, no, no way. Reinette Poisson? Later Madame Etoiles? Later still mistress of Louis the Fifteenth, uncrowned Queen of France? Actress, artist, musician, dancer, courtesan, fantastic gardener!" The Doctor said. "Who the hell are you two?!" "I'm the Doctor and this is Galaxy, who just got kissed on the cheek by Madame de Pompadour." Galaxy shook her head and grabbed the Doctor's hand and dragged him back to the fireplace, and it rotated back to the ship. "You know, I never thought I'd see you happy that Galaxy got kissed by someone that wasn't you," Astro remarked as he tilted his head at the Doctor. "It's not every day you get kissed by Madame de Pompadour." The Doctor said.

"He's right, though it wasn't on the lips and you're still a better kisser." Galaxy said to him and placed her own kiss on his cheek. "And you boosted his ego." Astro sighed as he saw the grin on the Doctor's from her actions and words, "Also Rose and Mickey aren't here." "Rose! Mickey! Every time." The Doctor sighed as he walked off with Galaxy and Astro following after them, "Every time, it's rule one. Don't wander off. I tell them, I do, don't I? Rule one. There could be anything on this ship." "And yet that never stopped you from wandering off in the past," Astro remarked with humour in his voice. Galaxy and the Doctor soon stop when they see a white horse with a saddle standing in front of them.

"Out of all the things we've seen, all the things we've found while travelling together, this has to be the strangest." Galaxy told the Doctor as they continued to look at the horse. "Agree to not let anyone outside of Mickey and Rose know about this?" "Deal." Galaxy said and the two shook on it and Astro shook his head as he watched them though he liked seeing their long time friendship side, how the two were still able to joke around with each other.

"Rose?" "Mickey?" The Doctor and Galaxy called as they and Astro walked down the corridor looking for the two, and the very same horse decided to tag along with them. "Will you stop following us? We aren't your parents." The Doctor said as the horse nudged its nose on Galaxy's arm who ended up stroking it while the Doctor opened a pair of white wooden doors causing a bright light to flood through. "So this is where you came from then?" Galaxy asked as she, the Doctor and Astro walk through the doors and hide as they watch Reinette walking and laughing with a dark-skinned woman.

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