The Runaway Bride Pt1:

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Both the Doctor and Galaxy were still very surprised as to how a woman in a wedding dress appeared in the Tardis out of thin air, even Astro was confused as to how she got there.

"What? You can't do that. We wasn't. We're in flight. That is, that is physically impossible! How did..." The Doctor rambled. "Tell me where I am. I demand you tell me right now, where am I?" The woman asked. "You're inside the Tardis." Galaxy told her after shaking her head. "The what?"

"The Tardis." The Doctor told her.

"The what?"

"The Tardis!" They both said.

"The what?"

"It's called the Tardis."

"That's not even a proper word. You're just saying things." The woman said. "How did you get in here?" The Doctor asked her. "Well, obviously, when you two kidnapped me. Who was it? Who's paying you? Is it Nerys? Oh my God, she's finally got me back. This has got Nerys written all over it." "Who's Nerys?" Galaxy asked her calmly, she thought it best not to antagonise the woman more. "Your best friend."

"Hold on, wait a minute. What are you dressed like that for?" The Doctor asked her. "I'm going ten pin bowling. Why do you think, dumbo? I was halfway up the aisle! I've been waiting all my life for this. I was just seconds away, and then you, I don't know, you drugged me or something!" The woman exclaimed and despite everything, Galaxy was starting to like her. "We haven't done anything!"

"I'm having the police on you two! Me and my husband, as soon as he is my husband, we're going to sue the living backside off you!" The woman shouted before running down the ramp and toward the door. "No, wait. I wouldn't. don't!" Galaxy said as she ran after the woman and the woman opened the door to see a pretty gaseous nebula. "You're in outer space. This is our space ship called the Tardis, but I like to call her Blue."

"How am I breathing?" She asked her. "Blue's protecting us." She told her. "Who are you two?" "I'm Galaxy and that's the Doctor and this is Astro." Galaxy said and stroked Astro's head after he went over to them, "How about you?" She asked the woman while smiling. "Donna." Donna answered "Human?" The Doctor asked her. "Yeah. Is that optional?" Donna asked. "Well, it is for us." "You two are aliens."

"And I'm a robot that talks." Astro spoke and Galaxy shook her head slightly. "It's freezing with these doors open." Donna said and Galaxy closed the doors before taking off her coat and handing it to Donna before joining the Doctor at the console.

"I don't understand that and I understand everything. This, this can't happen! There is no way a human being can lock itself onto the Tardis and transport itself inside. It must be..." The Doctor rambled and grabbed an ophthalmoscope and used it to look into Donna's eyes, "Impossible. Some sort of subatomic connection? Something in the temporal field? Maybe something pulling you into alignment with the Chronon shell. Maybe something macro mining you DNA within the interior matrix. Maybe a genetic..." He said right as Donna slapped him and Galaxy placed her hand over her mouth, not because she was shocked but because she nearly burst out laughing. "What was that for?"

"Get me to the church!" Donna shouted. "Right! Fine! I don't want you here anyway!" The Doctor replied as he went to the console. "Where is the wedding anyway?" Galaxy asked her. "Saint Mary's, Hayden Road, Chiswick, London, England, Earth, the Solar System." Donna rambled and Galaxy was liking her more and more. Donna then saw a blouse that was hanging on the railing and picked it up. "I knew it, acting all innocent. I'm not the first, am I? how many women have you two abducted?"

"That's our friend's." The Doctor said as they looked at it. "Where is she, then? Popped out for a space walk?" Donna asked. "She's gone." Galaxy told her, looking away from the blouse. "Gone where?" "We lost her." "Well, you can hurry up and lose me! How do you mean, lost?" Donna asked seeing their attitudes and the Doctor sighed before taking the blouse off her threw it through a doorway. "Right, Chiswick."


"I said, Saint Mary's. What sort of Martians are you? Where's this?" Donna asked as they walked out the Tardis and saw they had landed in an area surrounded by buildings. "Something's wrong with her. The Tardis, it's like she's..." The Doctor said before he and Galaxy ran back inside. "She's recalibrating, she ate something but I'm not too sure what." Astro told them.

"Donna? You've really got to think. Is there anything that might've caused this? Anything you might've done? Any sort of alien contacts? Anything you might've done? We can't let you wander off. What if you're dangerous. I mean, have you, have you seen lights in the sky, or did you touch something like something, something different, something strange? Or something made out of a, box of metal or...Who're you getting married to? Are you sure he's human? He's not a bit overweight with a zip around his forehead, is he?"

"Donna." Galaxy called when she saw the woman leave and ran out to her, causing the Doctor to so while Astro stayed in the Tardis. "Donna." "Leave me alone. I just wanted to get married." Donna said as she gave Galaxy back her coat. "Come back to Blue." She told her. "No way. That box is too weird." Donna said and Galaxy realised what she saw was too much for her which was understandable. "It's bigger on the inside, that's all." The Doctor said.

"Oh! That's all? Ten past three. I'm going to miss it." Donna said as she looked at her watch. "Why don't you phone them? Tell them where you are?" Galaxy suggested. "How do I do that?" "Haven't you got a mobile?" The Doctor asked. "I'm in my wedding dress. It doesn't have pockets. Who has pockets? Have you ever seen a bride with pockets? When I went to my fitting at Chez Alison, the one thing I forgot to say is give me my pockets!"

"This man you're marrying. What's his name?" The Doctor asked. "Lance." "Good luck, Lance." The Doctor mumbled and Galaxy hit him lightly on the arm. "Oi! No stupid Martian is going to stop me from getting married. To hell with you two!" Donna said before running off. "We're, we're not, we're not from Mars." The Doctor sighed before they went after her.

"Taxi!" Donna called as she tried to hail a taxi when the two caught up to her but the cars kept driving, "Why's his lights on?" "There's another one!" The Doctor told her. "Taxi! Oi!" She called but like before, it drove past them. "There's one." Galaxy nodded to another. "Oi!" "Do you have this effect on everyone? Why aren't they stopping?" The Doctor asked. "They think I'm in fancy dress."

"Stay off the sauce, darling!" A driver said going past. "They think I'm drunk." Donna said. "You're fooling no one, mate!" "They think I'm in drag!" She told them and Galaxy saw the Doctor look Donna over which made her shake her head. "Hold on." She said and let out a piercing whistle that had a taxi do a U turn to pick them up, "After you Donna."

"Saint Mary's in Chiswick, just off Hayden Road. It's an emergency. I'm getting married. Just hurry up!" Donna said as they all managed to get into the taxi. "You know it'll cost you, sweetheart? Double rates today." The Driver said. "Oh, my God. Have either of you got any money?" Donna asked and and the Doctor and Galaxy looked at each other. "Er, no. Haven't you?" The Doctor asked looking at her.

"Pockets." Galaxy and Donna said and the driver ended up dumping all three of them right where he picked them up. "And that goes double for your mother! I'll have him. I've got his number. I'll have him. Talk about the Christmas spirit." Donna sighed. "It's Christmas?" Galaxy asked and was only now noticing the decorations in the shops. "Well, duh. Maybe not on Mars, but here it's Christmas Eve. Phone box! We can reverse the charges!"

"How come you're getting married on Christmas Eve?" The Doctor asked. "Can't bear it. I hate Christmas. Honeymoon, Morocco. Sunshine, lovely. What's the operator? I've done this in years. What do you dial? 100?" Donna asked as they got to a phone booth and the Doctor used his sonic to get a dialling tone. "Just the direct." He told her. "What did you do?" "Something Martian, we'll go get some money." Galaxy told her before dragging the Doctor to a cash machine.

They waited in queue at the cash machine they found and Galaxy smiled at how fidgety the Doctor was, finally they were able to use it and the Doctor used his sonic to operate it since neither of them had a credit card. Galaxy took the money they brought out and turned to see some a trio of Santas playing God Rest Ye Merry.

"Oh, not again." Galaxy mumbled as the Santas pointed their instruments at her and the Doctor who zapped the cash machine that caused cash to fly across the street, making a lot of people rush to get the money and the Doctor grabbed Galaxy's hand before they ran off.

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