Tooth & Claw Pt3:

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Galaxy locked the door when they got to the staircase with her sonic and she could feel the slight pounding she had since the werewolf broke out in her head and it was getting a little worse but she could cope with the pain. "Your Majesty? Your Majesty!" Robert called when he saw Victoria coming down the stairs.

"Sir Robert? What's happening? I heard such terrible noises." She said as she came down the stairs. "Your Majesty, we've got to get out. But what of Father Angelo? Is it still here?" Robert asked her. "Captain Reynolds disposed of him." "The front door's no good, it's been boarded shut. Pardon me, Your Majesty. You'll have to leg it out of a window." The Doctor said and the group made their way to the Drawing Room.

"Excuse my manners, Ma'am, but I shall go first, the better to assist Her Majesty's egress," Robert said as he stood in front of the window that they were planning on jumping out from. "A noble sentiment, my Sir Walter Raleigh," Victoria said and Galaxy could see the Doctor getting slightly annoyed at less action that was going on. "Yeah, any chance you could hurry up?" He asked going back to his normal accent and Galaxy wondered when he would break, he lasted longer than she expected.

Robert opened the window but when he did the monks started shooting at him making him move away from the window. "I reckon the monkey boys want us to stay inside." The Doctor said as he cautiously looked through the window and saw the monks standing outside. "Do they know who I am?" Victoria asked. "I'd say so, gives them a reason for wanting you." Galaxy told her as she looked out the window as well. "The wolf's lined you up for a, a biting," Rose added.

"Now stop this talking. There can't be an actual wolf." Victoria said right as a howl came from the distance and they ran out back into the corridor. "What do we do?" Rose asked the Time Lords as the werewolf started banging on the door. "Simple, we run." Galaxy told her, she was glad she had chosen to keep her boots on and not change them when she changed into the period dress. "Is that it?" "You got any silver bullets?" The Doctor asked her. "Not on me no," Rose said. "There we are then, we run. Your Majesty, as a Doctor, I recommend a vigorous jog. Good for the health. Come on!" The Doctor said before they started to make their way up the staircase.

As they did though, the werewolf suddenly smashed the door down and followed after them. "Come on! Come on!" The werewolf was able to catch up with the group and as it was getting closer to them, Reynolds turned up and shot at the werewolf causing it to retreat for the moment.

"I'll take this position and hold it. You keep moving, for God's sake! Your Majesty, I went to look for the property and it was taken. The chest was empty." Reynolds said as they stood around to catch their breaths. "I have it. It's safe." Victoria informed him. "They remove yourself, Ma'am. Doctor, you stand as Her Majesty's Protector. And you, Sir Robert, you're a traitor to the crown." Reynolds said frowning to the man. "Bullets aren't able to stop it." Galaxy warned him since he'll just be throwing his life away.

"They'll buy you time. Now run!" Reynolds said before facing the corridor again and he shot his revolver while the others started running again, soon his revolver ran out of bullets and the werewolf pounced on him and ripped him apart. Galaxy noticed Rose hadn't followed after them into the room and she turned to see her standing stunned at what she saw so she went back for her and grabbed her hand gently. "Come on, we can't stay." She told her before dragging her back to the others and into the library.

"Barricade the door," Robert said and he, the Doctor, Rose and Galaxy did just that with anything they could see that would prove useful. "Wait a minute. Shush, shush, wait a minute." The Doctor said making them stop and they heard a lonely howl sound off. "It's stopped." He said as Galaxy slowly went to the door pressed her ear against it to get a better hearing of the other side, she heard the werewolf sniff, then growl, before finally walking away. "It's gone." She informed the others.

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