Human Nature P4:

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Timothy was sitting on a bench, toying with the watch as voices whispered to him.

"The darkness is coming...Keep me away from the force and empty man...Last of the Time Lords. Last of their wise and ancient race."

Timothy looked up as Baines walked over to another man, Mr Clarke, who was soon joined by a little girl holding a red balloon. They all looked over at him a moment later, then tilted their heads to the side and sniffed.

"Best put that away until they're gone." A voice said beside him and he turned to see Galaxy sitting next to him but she was looking on ahead, her hair covering the side of her face away from the trio. Timothy looked down at the watch, hiding it as he turned to look back at the trio still standing there, they stayed that way for a moment before walking off.

"You know what they are?" Timothy asked, turning to her, sensing it. "Yes, and it's not them anymore." She told him, nodding and looked at the watch when he examined it, "That's where he is then?" She asked and he looked at her with surprise. "You know about the man trapped inside?"

"The Doctor and yes, I'd say I know quite a bit about him." She said and she noticed him frowning at the watch, "Are you afraid of him, Timothy?" She asked and he looked at her and stared at her before nodding and she smiled, "There's nothing wrong with that, anyone not scared of him is foolish."

"You're not afraid of him." He said, his senses telling him he was right. "May I?" She asked, reaching toward the watch. He lifted his hand, thinking she would take it but instead she placed her hand on his, the watch between them.

Galaxy showed him images of very different ones he'd seen. He saw the Doctor laughing and smiling, saving people, joking around and making people laugh, looking so human and he saw in those images a woman always beside the Doctor, a woman with blonde and purple highlights.

"You're that woman in the images." He said as he looked at her and she smiled and winked, "Then this is yours." He said, trying to give her the watch but she refused. "I can't take it Timothy. If I touch it then he can easily be found by those that want to hurt him, they'll be able to sense it. Which is why I want you to do something for me, something big."

"What ? Anything." He said and she smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Keep him safe. Look after him until the time is right. Can you do that for me?" She asked, standing up. He looked at the watch for a moment before looking at her and he gave her a nod.


Galaxy was in a nice deep red dress Martha and Astro had gotten out for her and when she went to meet with John she had smiled when he gave her the familiar reaction the Doctor would when she dressed up, or put on a dress in general.

"You look wonderful." He said, finally managing to find the words to speak. "Thank you. I haven't had a chance to ask but can you actually dance?" She asked, she of course the Doctor could, but could John Smith? "Um, I'm not certain."

"There's a surprise. Is there anything you're certain about?" She asked and he stepped toward her. "Yes. Yes." He said, taking her hands, the two stared at each other before they leaned in and they lips pressed gently together.

They stayed like that until the door burst open and Martha rushed in with a panicked look on her face.

"They've found us." She exclaimed, rushing over to Galaxy. "Martha, I've warned you..." John started but she wasn't listening. "They've found us and I've seen them. They look like people, like us, like normal." She said, grabbing Galaxy's hands. "I know. I saw three of them..."

"They got Jenny. They took her too." Martha interrupted her. Galaxy tensed slightly before turning to John who was watching them curiously. "If you excuse me for a moment John." She said and pulled Martha out the room and she shut the door behind her. "They got Jenny?" She asked and Martha nodded, "They've completed their integration to Earth. There are four in a Family. Always and they're here."

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