Fear Her Pt2:

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The four were back in the Tardis and Astro was analysing the ball, when he got what he needed he sent the data he gathered onto the monitor on the console. "Here we go, thank you Astro. Let's have a look. Get out of here." The Doctor said as they looked at the screen. "What's it say?" Rose asked as Galaxy pulled out one of her erasers and rubbed it on the ball.

"It's graphite. The same material used for HB pencils, thought I recognised the smell from somewhere." Galaxy explained, she didn't think nothing of it really since she herself usually had the smell of pencil on her from all her time spent sketching. "I was attacked by a pencil scribble?" Rose asked. "Scribble creature, brought into being with ionic energy. Whatever we're dealing with, it can create things as well as take them. But why make a scribble creature?" The Doctor asked.

"Maybe it was a mistake I mean, you scribble over something when you want to get rid of it, like a, like a drawing. Like a, a children's drawing. You two said it was in the street." Rose said. "Probably is." Astro said. "The girl." Rose said. "Of course! What girl?" The Doctor asked and Galaxy shook her head. "Something about her gave me the creeps. Even her own mum looked scared of her." Rose told them. "Are you deducting?" Galaxy asked her smiling. "I think I am." "Copper's hunch?" "Permission to follow it up, Sarge?"


The four stood in front of a door and the Doctor rang the doorbell before rattling the letter box and eventually a woman that Rose found out was called Trish answered the door. "Hello. I'm the Doctor, this is Galaxy and Rose. Can we see your daughter?" The Doctor asked her. "No, you can't." "Okay. Bye." The Doctor said and they turned to walk away. "Why? Why do you want to see Chloe?" Trish asked them making them stop. "Well, there's some interesting stuff going on in this town, and I just though. Well, we thought, that she might like to give us a hand." The Doctor answered.

"Sorry to bother you." Rose said. "Yes, sorry. We'll let you get on with your day. Bye again." Galaxy added. "Wait! Can you help her?" Trish asked them. "Yes, we can." The Doctor said smiling and she let them inside her house.

"She stays in her room most of the time. I try talking to her but it's like trying to speak to a brick wall. She gives me nothing, just asks to be left alone." Trish told them as they talked in the living room. "What about Chloe's dad?" Rose asked her. "Chloe's dad died a year ago." Trish answered. "I'm sorry." "You wouldn't be if you'd known him." "Well, let's go and say hi." The Doctor said. "I should check on her first. She might be asleep." Trish said. "Why are you afraid of her?" Galaxy asked her, she could see it on her face that she was.

"I want you to know before you see her that she's really a great kid." Trish told them. "I'm sure she is." The Doctor said. "She's never been in trouble at school, you should see her report from last year. A's and B's." "Can I use your loo?" Rose asked her and she nodded her head. "She's in the choir. She's singing in an old folks home. Any mum would be proud. You know I want you to know these things before you see her, because right now, she's not herself."

The three and Astro go the kitchen while Rose was still upstairs and they saw Chloe getting a drink of milk from the fridge. "All right, there? I'm the Doctor, this is Galaxy and Astro." The Doctor said when he saw her. "I'm Chloe Webber." "How are you doing, Chloe?" Galaxy asked her. "I'm busy. I'm making something, aren't I, mum?" Chloe said as she looked at Trish. "And like I said, she's not been sleeping." Trish said.

"But you've been drawing, though. I'm rubbish. Stick men are about my limit unlike Galaxy here, she can make anything that looks like it could pop out of from the page." The Doctor said and Galaxy felt herself blush at the praise, she was used to him praising her from the times he would do so when they spent hours in her arts room but she wasn't used to him praising her to others. "Can do this, though." The Doctor carried on and gave Chloe the Vulcan salute. "Can you do that?"

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