The Age of Steel Pt2:

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The group stood at the edge of the Thames and looked at the Battersea factory that was across the water. "The whole of London's been sealed off, and the entire population's been taken inside that place. To be converted." The Doctor said. "We've got to get in there and shut it down." "How do we do that?" Mickey asked. "Oh, I'll think of something." The Doctor told him. "You're just making this up as you go along." "He tends to do that, but he does it wonderfully." Galaxy said with a smile on her face.

Later, Mrs Moore had her laptop with her and Galaxy looked over her shoulder as she showed the map of the factory. "That's a schematic of the old factory. Look. Cooling tunnels underneath the plant. Big enough to walk through." Mrs Moore explained. "We go under there and up into the control centre?" The Doctor asked. "Mhm." "There's another way in. Through the front door. If they've taken Jackie for upgrading, that's how she'll get in." Pete spoke up.

"We can't just go strolling around." Jake piped up, especially not when they had Astro with them. "Or we could, with these. Fake ear pods. Dead. No signal. But put them on, the Cybermen would mistake you for one of the crowd." Mrs Moore said as she brought some pods out from her bag. "Then that's my job." Pete said, he needed to get to Jackie and get her some place safe. "You'll have to show absolutely no emotion then. Any sign of them and you'll give yourself away." Galaxy told him.

"How many of those you got?" Rose asked her. "Just two sets." "Okay. If that's the best way of finding Jackie, then I'm coming with you." Rose told Pete. "Why does she matter to you?" He asked her. "We haven't got time. Doctor, Galaxy, I'm going with him, and that's that." She turned to the Time Lords, knowing they would argue against her going. "No stopping you, is there?" The Doctor asked her, some times Rose's actions like this reminded him of Galaxy's. "No."

"Tell you what. We can take the ear pods at the same time. Give people their minds back so they don't walk into that place like sheep. Jakey-boy." The Doctor said and he and Jake ran up the hill and Galaxy looked at Mickey before she nodded her head for him to follow her and they followed after the two, "Lumic's transmitting the control signal. It must be from over there." The Doctor then waved his sonic in the direction of the power station and they heard a beeping noise and saw red lights flash on the parked Zeppelin.

"On the Zeppelin. Glad Lumic likes to be a show off. You two will be able to take care of it, right?" Galaxy asked as she turned to look at the Jake and Mickey. "I don't need an idiot like him." Jake told her out right refusing the idea of Mickey going with him. "I'm not an idiot! You got that?" Mickey said, Galaxy said he wasn't, multiple times, and he was going to show she was right, show her words were true, "I'll help." He said and Galaxy smiled at his determination. "Whatever." Jake sighed.

"You better be careful Mickey." Galaxy told him as she placed her hands in her pockets. "You be careful as well. Rose, I'll see you later." Mickey said smiling at Galaxy before turning to Rose. "Yeah, you'd better." "If we survive this, we'll see you back at the Tardis." The Doctor told him. "That's a promise." "Good, because otherwise I'll find a way to come and slap you one." Galaxy warned him which had him laughing a bit, but he had half a mind that she would actually come up with a way to do that.

"Mrs Moore, would you care to accompany me and Galaxy into the cooling tunnels?" The Doctor asked the woman. "How could I refuse an offer of cooling tunnels?" She shot back. "Then we attack on three sides. Above, between and below. We get to the control centre, and we stop the conversion machines." Galaxy said. "Good luck."


Astro jumped down into the cooling tunnels first before Mrs Moore climbed down, then Galaxy and lastly the Doctor, Galaxy decided to go against having Astro on her back when it came down to getting into the cooling tunnels because she knew that the Doctor would either question or get curious with how she can handle Astro's weight.

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