So Why Don't Ya Blow Me? Luke Hemmings.

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So Why Don't Ya Blow Me?
Luke Hemmings
Backstory: After years of not seeing each other Luke finds himself staring at the girl he fell in love with.

I really don't know why I have to come to this stupid wedding. It's not like I'm friends with Harley Dane.

Quite the opposite actually.

He always found something rude say, flick me or make fun of me in school.

But mum is friends with him and his mum, so know I'm roped into this stupid wedding and I can't do anything to get out of it.

Feeling like I can't breathe, I pull at the tie fastened around my neck just in time for mum to rush into the room and slap my hands out of the way.

"What do you think you're doing, Lucas? I told you to not make a mess of yourself." Mum rushed pulling my tie tight again and scrambling to the other side of the room.

What am I? Five?

"Now go and get your son." Mum yells out to dad who rolls his eyes and sulks off to the stairs. "And you," -looking at me- "you better not make a mess of that suite."

Now I feel bad.

"I know." Nodding I walk over and hug her tight. "Can we just go? I wouldn't want us to be late."

"At least one of my children take after me with time perception."

I frowned. What does even mean? Taking my phone and headphones I walk out to the car and seat myself on the window side. Hopefully I can stay here.

"Uhm, what are you doing? Get in the middle." Ben said opening the door. "You know the rules. Youngest in the middle."

"But I'm taller." I sigh.

"Too bad. Middle."

I don't even need to look up to know mum is getting ready to tell me the same exact thing. Slumping down in the stupid middle seat, I play my music the loudest it can go and close my eyes behind my sunglasses. Black Sabbath played throughout the car ride to sunny Australian beaches.

Once we're actually there - all I can think about is eating the food then leaving as soon as possible.

Harley made it his job to annoy me until the actual I Do of the day, and lets just say he was successful. Managed to embarrass me in front of how many pretty girls, whom he so kindly stated was so out of my league.

Harley Dane is a monster. I don't care if every girl within ten miles of the guy thinks he's attractive, he's a douche bag and he knows how to tick everyone off. Sometimes I just wish he was dead so I don't have to deal with him - but I was brought up better and I don't need to stoop to his level of stupidity.

Speaking of who could really be the devil, Harley walks over. Great posture, great jawline, nice teeth and not to mention a beautiful wife. A girl following close behind, with a pretty purple dress that hugs her hips and thighs, heeled shoes with a cute little bow and purple hair, blue eyes, and tattooes on her thighs and neck. She also has a peirce in her lip, nose, eyebrow and from the looks of it, she has tunnels too.

My dream girl.

"Lucas," He says, knowing I hate the way my name falls so easily off his yuck tongue. "I would like to introduce you to Rykie-Jaems she--"

"I know who she is." I say cutting in. "We know each other."

"Oh, well then I guess I should leave you two to it?" Harley grins down at her.

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