Walls. Calum Hood.

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Calum Hood

Backstory: Y/N has always been a quiet person, who keeps herself out and away from danger and most people. The only person she feels the most comfortable with is her best friend, Calum.
Author Note: I'm sorry this is really bad! Maybe a part 2??


"You know," He started, "this has always been my favourite place to be. I've always felt the most happy when I'm here... just here and lying next to you."

I smiled. "Same. But obviously lying on the hood of my car isn't exactly comfortable - so I'm going to do it in the backseat."

He smirked, following me off the hood of my crappy Nissan. "Is that meant to be a small... what is it, gesture that you want something a little more?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

I sighed. "Yeah it does. I want to be comfortable." I chuckled, closing the door behind me and letting my head rest against the backseat. Calum did the same, but he pulled out his phone.

"There's no reception out here." I said softly, hoping he's just checking the time.

"Really? Shit, I need to text the boys. Hang on - I'll be back." Calum jumped out of the car and quickly ran up the small hill trying to get a signal. Ever since he had gone into 5 Seconds Of Summer with Mike and Luke, he's forgotten about me. And I hate being that stupid, clingy girl who wants him all to herself - but I do and I just miss him. He was the person I could hang out with at any time of the day, he would run to my house in the middle of the night just to hear the joke I couldn't tell him. He's my everything and its like he doesn't care anymore,  and I know he does. I know he cares and I know that his friends care that he cares but I just feel hurt and whatever - it means nothing. Calum giggled into his phone - it's probably Michael saying something funny. Because I'm not funny, according to him. Why does he hate me? He's the one that's taking my best friend from me. I don't want to tell Calum I hate his friends because then he'll hate me and I don't want that. I just want us all to get a long and for Michael to stop taking my best friend away. Michael and Calum were friends in seventh grade and me and Calum were friends since we were basically born. Our parents moved to Australia together - and I'm the one in the wrong? Like seriously, Michael? I'm holding him back?

"Y/N," Calum yelled knocking on the window, "let me back in. I have to meet the boys."

I smiled nodding, getting out and closing the door again. My smile dropped. And how did I know his was going to happen? It happens all the time. Every time we hang out, Michael wants something. Always. "Are you going to Michaels?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah. He has this new movie he got. It's so funny. Wanna watch it?" Calum grinned.

I felt the colour drain from my skin. "No- no thanks... I uhm, need to clean my room."

He frowned. "Oh, okay then..." The sun is just setting as I drop Calum off. Michael runs out to the gate, already talking about whatever they talk about. I sighed - this is going to be a long night.

Once I walk through the door of my room - it all falls down. He ditches me and then asked if I can be the third wheel? Is everything we went through not enough for him to even consider that I might have feelings too? How can he do this to me? Am I that much of an annoyance that he won't even spend one night with me and no interruptions? Guess not.

The thing about me is I basically live on my own. I mean my mum comes down a couple of times a week and stays with me for a little, but I pay board for the little flat beside the actual house that is mums. So I pay for everything in the house but I don't pay for everything,  so Calum never uses that excuse he just makes up another one. One time it was because his animal was hurt. He doesn't even own a animal. What is his problem anyway? How? Just... why?

→ A knock sounded from my door waking me up. Checking the time, it was 10:56. Great. I stumbled down hallway and to the front door.

"Who is it?" My voice strained.


I smiled opening the door. "Oh my god, have you seen the trailor for-- Michael?"

"Uhm hey." He shrugged obviously not wanting to be here.

"Hey Y/N, can we come in?"


"Great thanks. Mike, the bathroom is through there. Just use the towel in the cupboard, oh and the shower is really heavy so don't put all the hot water on first. You need to let it sooth," Calum said letting Michael walk to the bathroom. Once he was gone and I could hear the water running I flicked Calum.

"What is this?" I demanded.

"Whats what?" He asked making himself at home. Not that I have a problem with it.

"Calum Thomas Hood - I would never take my friend into your house and let them use your shower."

He shrugged. "I like your friends."

"But I don't like him and he doesn't like me." I yelled.

"What? Stop being stupid,"

"You think I'm stupid now? Calum, he told me I was holding you back and that I needed to grow up and stop being your friend. How do you think I was going to react? Now you bring him here?!" My voice cracked.

He didn't say anything.

"So you're not going to say anything?" I rolled my eyes. "Calum you better speak right now--"

"The only reason he said that was because I said it... Y/N, I love you - I really do, but all you do is mope around and be sad about things that aren't even a problem. You stay cooped up inside all day then get annoyed when I have new friends. I'm sick of only having one friend who does nothing,"

I didn't let him finish, I just ran to my room and slammed the door shut. I see how it is now.

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