Calum Hood

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You're Mine

Calum Hood

Backstory: Calum stays at your house for the first time. Your family doesn't like him much at the start.


"Mum said you can sleep in my room!" I exclaimed running up to Calum.

"Are you serious?" Calum beamed.

"Yes. But she said you have to sleep on top of the blankets with the door open."

Calum's smile vanished. "I can't sleep with the door open," He whined.

"Niether can I, which is why I argued the point. We can sleep in the same room, same bed, with the door closed. But you still have to sleep on top of the blankets or she'll call your mum and make you go home." I explained.

"What are you two talking about?" Michael asked, taking a bite of his massive sandwich.

"I'm staying at, Y/N's place tonight. I've never been able to sleep in the same room as her. But, since her mum knows me, and is okay with me, she's letting us," Calum smiled, slinging his arm over my shoulders.

Michael gave us a weird look, then went back to his food.

"My sisters are there..." I trailed off, casting my gaze to the grass of the studio lawn.

Calum groaned. Flinging his head back and sighing. "They all hate me. They always look at me when I'm there, and it freaks me out!"

I chuckled. "I know it does, Cal... it'll only be for dinner. I promise,"

"You better," Calum smiled sneakily. He wrapped an arm around my waist, and kissed my temple.

To: Y/N

From: Cal

I'm at the gate. Come get me x

To: Cal

From: Y/N

You're so awkward at my house... you little... weirdo? I don't know. I just got out of the shower. I'll be there in like 10 minutes x

To: Y/N

From: Cal

You could come get me, then we could get back in the shower ;)

To: Cal

From: Y/N

Calum! You cannot say those things at my house! Do you even know how much trouble I could get in if my mum heard you even joking about something like that??????

To: Y/N

From: Cal

Okeyy haha. It's just a joke, and don't act like you don't want to

To: Cal

From: Y/N

Maybe when we're not in a house full of my family? I'm coming now x

I sighed, shaking my head. Locking my phone I chucked it on my bed. I smiled to myself as I adjusted my hoodie. Well it was Calum's Nirvana hoodie, but I claimed it.

"Where are you going?" Mum asked from the couch.

"Just to the gate to get, Cal." I answered.

"So it's Cal now?" Mum teased.

I rolled my eyes, opening the door and seeing Calum standing at the gate all awkward.

"So that's where it is," Calum opened the gate.

"Where's what?" I acted stupid.

Calum just shook his head. "Hug me you idiot."

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his torso. I rested my head on his chest as we just stayed in the same place.

"Your sisters are looking at us..." Calum mumbled into my hair.

"Let them. Then they can know how amazing you are," I mumbled looking up at him.

"So I'm amazing?" Calum smirked.

"Hmm... possibly," I giggled.

Calum laughed. "You sound adorable when you do that,"

"Ew." I scrunched up my nose.

"And that."

"Stop it."




"Because isn't an answer, Hood."

"It is to me." Calum held my hand as we walked up the path. "And I haven't gotten my kiss..."

I turned to my side, gently pushing my lips to his.

"Ew! Why are you doing that? You'll get herpes!" My little brother screamed.

I groaned, moving away from Calum. "Do you even know what that means? No. You're too stupid."

"Mum! Y/N just called me stupid!" He yelled into the house.

"Because you are."

"Am not!"

"Am too!"

"That is enough!" Mum called from the kitchen. "Y/Brothers/N, go to your room."

He grumbled a stupid response causing me to roll my eyes.

"Y/N and Calum, inside so we can talk."

Oh, here we go...

"Rules for sleeping over; you," Mum pointed to Calum, "must stay on top of the blankets at all time. I will be keeping an eye on the two of you. Secondly, any funny business and Calum is gone--"

"I second that!" My sister put her hands up.

"Why are you even here? Aren't you meant to be at work?" I glared at her.

"She got fired." Mum cut in before she could say anything. "And before she interrupted, what I was saying was, if there is even a small amount of evidence that anything went on - you're grounded," She pointed to me, "and you're never staying the night."

"Mum, we haven't done anything."


"I don't care if you have or haven't, Y/N. But it is not happening under my roof. Understand?"

"Understood," Calum and I said at the same time.

"Jinx!" We said again.

"No, I jinxed you!" We said in unison.

"No, I jinxed you!" We both said again.

Mum gave a look, so did my sister.

"Okay, this has to stop," I laughed pushing Calum down the hall.

Calum turned around, wrapping his arms around my neck as he walked backwards.

"You're going to fall, and I'm going to laugh." I smiled up at him. My hands gently laid on his sides. "But you'll be on top of me," He whispered in my ear. "I've always found that hot,"

I giggled. "Maybe we should stop walking like this, or one of us is going to die..."

"Aww! You two are so adorable!" My other sister smiled as she came up the stairs.

Calum let go of me, and quickly ran down the hall to my room.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked.

"He's awkward," I answered. I spun around. "Calum Hood, if you even jump on my bed I will kill you!"

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