He Walks You To School. Blurb 4/4

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He Walks You To School
Blurb 4/4
Backstory: A blurb where the boys walk you to school.



"Mike," I whispered, shaking him awake. He slept on the couch last night so I wouldn't wake him this morning with school. "Babe," I tried again, "you've gotta wake up."

He groaned, pushing his tired face into the black pillow case. His hair in wild tassels.

"I'm leaving for school in twenty minutes," I informed, "see you at the end of the day. Go back to sleep."

"No..." Mikey whispered in slurs. "Just, just come back to bed... stay with me."

"I have an exam today. I wish I could, but I can't. Sorry," I kissed his forehead once he turned around so I could actually see him.

"Can I walk you then?"

"You want to walk me?"

"Yeah. Can I?"

I smiled gently. "If you want. Could make me not look like a loner loser."

Mikey smirked tiredly. "You are a loner loser."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Get up you idjit,"


"Sure you don't want me to come?" Calum asked for the millionth time.

I sighed. "If you want to come, come. Just don't make a scene. Please?"

Calum just smiled. "Of course not." He waited a few minutes for me. I did my hair, make up, put on my uniform and shoes, stuffed my books into my bag and grabbed my iPod from the charger.

"Okay," I announced, "I'm ready."

Calum grinned. "You know, I haven't been back to school for ages..." He snaked an arm around my waist.

I smiled. "Now your walking me," I leaned up on my tippy toes, bringing him in for a kiss.

"What do you have first period?"

"Uh... since it's Wednesday, math." I groaned at my timetable. "Yuck. I hate math."

Calum grinned, pulling me closer to him. "Skip first period?... come back to mine?..."

A smirk rose on my lips. "And what will we do at your place?"

"Something a lot more fun than math,"

"I'm in." I giggled.

Calum cackled, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Coming through people!" He yelled at slow morning walkers. "Gotta be somewhere, and somewhere quick!"

I squealed in laughter as he ran through huge groups of people. He practically sprinted to his house. When we got there, and no one was home, some great things happened. And not just once.


"You should take vegetables," My boyfriend commented.

I glanced up at him, sighed, then went back to making my unhealthy sandwich.

"Seriously, babe, take like a carrot or something?" He spoke again.

I ignored him. Striding over to the fridge and taking the leftover burger from last night. 

"Come on, just a vegetable."

"Ashton - if you say one more thing about a stupid vegetable I'm going to drag your ass back to where you came from. Got it?" I snapped holding a pointing fork to him.

He just held up his hands in defense. "Backing off..."

Pouring some chips into a container I shoved my lunch into my bag. That should do my day well.

"Hey, Ash, do you have a dollar? I saw a really good chocolate bar in the supermarket yesterday,"

He just looked up from his phone, rolled his eyes and took my bag. "We should get going."

Half way to the school, Ash had already kissed me at least ten times. He knew how much I hated PDA yet he still managed to make me do it. Adorable idiot.

"How about we buy you some chocolate?" Ash offered.

"Ash I was joking,"

"I'm not."

I giggled, taking his hand and skipping into the supermarket.


"It's just up the road, you don't need to walk me," I told the blond boy sitting in front of me.

"So? I want to spend time with you," He retorted like a child.

"But you have the weekend." I reminded him.

"That's like three whole days away. I can't do that!"

"You'll be fine," I giggled shoving my books into my bag.

"I'm walking you. You can't say no," Luke decided.

I just chuckled. "Fine,"

We walked hand in hand with headphones in each of our ears to the bus stop. No one really knew I had a boyfriend so they thought it was weird me seeing with one, and one so attractive. The bus hadn't come yet, so Luke wrapped me in his arms. My head in his chest so I could hear his heartbeat.

"Is it too early to say I love you?" Luke mumbled into my hair.

I felt my cheeks blaze. "You love me?"

"How could I not? You're amazing,"

"Hmm, you can say it. It's been seven months," I giggled.


We stayed in each others arms until my bus came. He kissed me in front of everyone and waved me goodbye. The girls are jealous.  I know they are. But I don't care. Luke said he loved me... and I love him back.

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