I'll Hold You For Tonight. Calum Hood

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I'll Hold You For Tonight
Calum Hood
Backstory: You have a huge fight with your mum and leave. Years later Calum takes you back to see your family.


"I don't care!" I screamed.

"Don't you walk out of this house!" She screamed back.

"Why wouldn't I?! Why would I stay here and be yelled and screamed at by you?!"

"Because I'm your mother!"

"How does that give you the right to make me feel like shit?! I did nothing to you! I done the jobs! I cleaned the house! I went to school! Why is it only me being treated like shit every fucking day?!" I screamed, tears streaking down my face. I stomped into my room - pulling out my school bag and shoving a few clothes into it.

"Don't you swear at me you little bitch!" Mum yelled, throwing my door open.

"And you can call me a bitch?! You always have put me down! You think my depression is better? You've made it worse! Every fucking day it gets worse because of you!" I spun around, coming face to face with my mother.

"I said don't you talk to me that way!" Mum screamed. She pushed me back against my wall. Holding me up my collar.

"What?! You're just going to hit me?!" I yelled threw my sobbing. "Do it! Hit me! I know you want to! You've done it before!"

"Crying isn't going to do anything!"

"Did work for your favorite daughter! You never showed your love for me as much as you did for her!" I screamed, referring to my sister.

"This isn't some stupid petty my-mum-doesnt-love-me bullshit, Thorstin! I've already been through this with your sister."

"Because you treated us both like your fucking slave!"

Mum shoved me back against the wall, harder this time. "Don't you fucking push me." She yelled.

"Mum! Stop it!" My sisters yelled, trying to make her stop.

"Fuck you!" I screamed, pushing her off me. "I'm leaving and never coming back!"

I pushed passed her, slamming my door shut and snatching my shoes up off the ground.

"Where will you go, huh? No one fucking knows you like me!"

"You think you know me?!" I fired back. "You don't know anything about me!"

"Fuck off, Thorstin!"

"Gladly." I called over my shoulder, slamming the front door of the house as I stomped down to my car in the driveway.

I cried silently as I sped down to Calum's house.

"Thorstin," Calum sang from beside me. "Wake uuuup. You gotta get up, babe..." He whispered in my ear. "I have a surprise for you... wanna see it?"

I groaned, pushing my face further into the pillow. "I don't want to get up," I mumbled.

"Babe, I honestly think you'll like this one..." He pushed.

"Is it food?" I peeked up at him.

He smiled. "Has something to do with it. We're going to the beach. Wear something nice,"

"Is it just us?" I smiled up at him rolling over onto my back.

"No... sorry. But, again, I think you'll like it."

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