Holiday's With You. Ashton Irwin

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Holiday's With You

Ashton Irwin

Backstory: Ash goes on Holiday with you and your family.


I smiled as we reached the family bach. After driving for half the day, we were finally here. My little sisters had be annoyed that Ashton was coming because they couldn't bring people, but soon agreed. Ashton was loved by my sisters and parents. Being the person he is, why wouldn't he be?

I stretched once I got out of the car. And groaned once my back clicked at least 10 times. Me and Ashton had been listening to music the whole way here and had slept on each other.

"We're all helping unpack the car." Dad announced as my little sisters, 15 and 9, tried to sneak off.

Emily, 15, rolled her eyes when she sighed and snatched her bag from the boot. Annie, 9, giggled as she skipped into the bach.

"Em will come around once she gets off her high horse," I whispered into his ear. Emily was annoyed still that she couldn't bring her friend along.

"Hopefully," Ashton smiled.

I shook my head as he put the backpack over his shoulder and picked me up bridal style.

I squealed as he ran around in a circle and finally into the house. He dropped me on the bed we would be sharing and fell on top of me.

"We should get a house together," He said. His hands either side of my head as I laid under him.

"We should?" I smiled.

"Well yeah... then we could you know... do things whenever we wanted," Ashton smirked.

I burst out laughing. "That's the only reason?"

"I see what you did there, and no. I want to be with youuuu," He sang.

I smiled, snaking my hands up his body and to his hair. Bringing his face to mine so our lips could mesh together.

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