Throwing Rocks. Ashton Irwin

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Throwing Rocks

Ashton Irwin

Backstory: Based off 5sos' new song from the new EP, Wrapped Around Your Finger.

A/N: I haven't been posting much lately and I'm sorry. I'm currently listening to Wrapped Around Your Finger on repeat and I feel like I'm going to cry because of it. Okay, so I have a few request on Ash to do, so the next two or three preferences will be on Ash... Hope its okay. Xx


I loved him.

He loved me.

Why was it so complicated? We loved each other. Isn't that what we're meant to have in our teenage years?

Mum told me I should go out and find someone who I can love, and they love me back just the same.

So why is it such a huge deal that I love him? He loves me...

I told her I've never felt this way before. I love him so much I cry myself to sleep almost every night because of it. Because I can't see him. Because he's so far away...

"I'm going out," I called from the door sitting down so I could pull my boots on. The Promise ring Ashton had given me on my index finger.

"Where are you going?" My sister asked coming to the door.

"To see Ash," I stood up wirh a huff grabbing my keys and opening the door.

"You think that's a good idea?" She asked slowly.

"Why can't I just go and see my boyfriend without this all becoming a huge problem?" I groaned.

"Y/N? You're not going to see that boy." Mum cut in.

"Why?" I raised my voice.

"He's bad news."

"You don't know him!" I exclaimed.

"I know enough to know he'll break your heart." Mum yelled back.

"I don't care if he breaks my heart! At least he's the one who did it! I love him. I love him and he loves me."

"You know nothing of love, Y/N. You're sixteen."

"You said you were in love at sixteen."

"And it was a stupid mistake."

"We learn from mistakes don't we?" I asked quietly.

"Get to your room."

"Why are you so against him?! What did he ever do to you?!" I yelled again.

"He's too old for you! I don't want my daughter going to see someone who is too old for her! Get to your room. You're grounded."

I felt my heart being pulled and ripped to shreds. I started shaking. Anger is an understatement. "For what?!" I screamed. "Trying to see someone who means a lot to me?!"

"Don't yell at me. Get to your room before I do something I will regret later."

I ran to my room. Throwing down my keys and my bag. Slamming my door shut.

How can she do this to me? She knows how much I love him.

I felt tears building up as I fell face first into my bed. I let my sobs into my pillow. He means the world to me.

It felt like minutes had passed before the night had come. A small knock on my door made me feel like I was the smallest person in the world. Whoever it was opened the door. Closing it behind them they turned on the light. I sighed, pulling the black fluffy throw blanket to my chin.

"You know, mum cares about you." My sister Leigh said. "She's just worried about you."

I sniffed wiping my eyes and sighing. "Seems like it."

"She wants whats best for you,"

"Then why isn't she letting me see Ash?"

"He's too old for you."

"He's seventeen! A year. How is that too old?!"

"Don't yell at me."

"Then don't say stupid shit."

"Oh, get fucked Y/N. Every time you don't get your own way you do this shit."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Just leave me alone."

"Pushing everyone away? Nice." She said sarcastically.

"Why would I want to sit here and listen to you saying shit about my boyfriend then tell me to get fucked when I defend him? Just fuck off. You're not helping." I rolled over.

She left. Not before slamming the door closed. No one seemed to understand what I'm going through... my sisters both snuck out to see guys. So why I can't I?

I felt around for my phone in the dark. I felt it under my back. Flat. Awesome.

"Y/N?" A hushed voice called from my window. I cautiously made my way to the window. Small rocks were hitting the thick window on the top level.


I felt myself warm up. Like an explosion of fireworks went off around me.

"What are you doing here?" I called down to him.

He gestured for me to come.

"Just a second." I grinned down at the boy with blonde hair.

Grabbing my phone and charger, jacket, jandals and my keys I shoved them into a bag then threw it down to Ash which he caught. I carefully climbed out the window. I jumped a little to the ground. Running down the road with Ashton hand in hand I never felt more happy.

As we ran down the road I felt Ashton stopped. "Why didn't you come?"

I groaned, wrapping my arms around him. "Mum stopped me. I really wanted to come."

"Well you're here now."


The moonlight drifted down to us. It looked beautiful as the sea moved swiftly with the wind. My head leaned on Ashton's shoulder. A genuine smile formed on my lips as Ashton kissed my head.

"I love you." Ashton broke the nice silence.

"I love you more." I teased leaning up and kissing him. I closed my eyes. Enjoying the moment.

"Your mum isn't going to like this."

"But I do."

Silence again.

"She's shipping me off to boarding school." I said finally. "I'm leaving in a few weeks... I wanted to spend as much time with you as I can."

He didn't say anything. Just cuddled me further into his chest.

"You're not going to say anything?"

"If I say something... I don't know if I'm going to stop myself."

"Stop yourself?"

"I love you. You're my first love... and you're leaving... I do everything you ask me. I'm so whipped it's not even funny - yet you're leaving me." Ashton said quietly.

"I'm still going to love you."

"I know..."

"I love you. So much."

"I know." Ashton giggled.

I scoffed gently hitting his leg.

"I love you too. Forever."

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