Lazy Day. Blurb 2/4

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Lazy Day
Blurb 2/4
Backstory: Calum and Mikey on a lazy day. Since I haven't posted those crazy cute dudes in a while.


"Pizza; check. Video games; check. House to ourselves; check," I smirked at my last sentence, climbing onto the couch and straddling my purple haired boyfriend.

Placing his hands on my waist, he smiled. "Wanna kinda not have a lazy day?"

"Hmm... and what would that kinda not have a lazy day commence of?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

Mike smiled, kissing my lips gently. "Well I think you know what I'm talking about my, dear."

"You do?" I teased, slowly unbuttoning his plaid red shirt. "Is this what it is?..." I giggled, trailing off as I kissed him.

Mike hummed in response. Holding me tighter to him. "Yeah."

"Wanna forget about video games then?" I smiled, standing up.

Mike nodded enthusiastically, jumping from the couch and pulling me behind him. "Hells yeah!"

I giggled uncontrollably running behind him.


"Hello, Mrs Hood." I smiled, closing the front door after I walked in.

"Hey," She smiled back, "Cal is in his room. Using the bass again."

I smiled. "He's pretty good at it though,"

"That he is." She agreed.

I ran up the stairs, flinging Calum's door open and throwing my bag down. "Sup?" I giggled.

"Omg," Calum laughed, "please stop hanging out with your cousin."

I just giggled. "Wanna cuddle?" I asked. "I'm cold, and sleepy."

"Sure," He smiled putting his baby down and jumping onto his single bed.

"You need to upgrade." I commented, laying my head on his chest.

"Tell that to my mum." Calum kissed my forehead.

"Naw, I'd rather not hehe."

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