Bickering. Calm

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Backstory: You're Ashton's sister and you bicker a lot. You're not exactly the closest. You're left to keep and eye on him and his friends. Luke has a crush on you, the boys tease him about it.


"Ugh, could you be anymore annoying?" I snapped to my brother and his three friends.

Ashton just rolled his eyes. "Go to your room then."

I scoffed. "I was here first. Mum said I can watch my show - so that's what I'm doing."

Ashton and I always bickered. We didn't have a closer relationship. I hated him, yet still loved him, well because he is my older brother.

"Why? It's a stupid show in the first place." Ashton mumbled under his breath.

"It's is not a stupid show. It has one of the biggest fandoms. Jensen is one of the guys of tumblr. Supernatural is an amazing show. Just because you don't like this kind of stuff because you're a pussy doesn't mean I can't watch-"

"Y/N, don't call your brother a pussy." Mum cut me off mid-sentence.

I carefully rolled my eyes away from her so she wouldn't see.

"And, Ash, just leave her alone. She's been working really hard on her finals. Just let her have peace and let her watch her show." Mum added. 

When she walked away I flipped him off. Smiling to myself, I grabbed the remote he took and settled back in my seat turning up the episode as loud as it could go.

I sniffed, wiping my eyes gently trying to act like I wasn't actually crying.

Ashton snickered. "Are you crying?"


"You so are! Why are you crying over a show?"

I sighed, exiting from the recorded version of Supernatural and finding the next show I wanted to watch. Sherlock.

"Kevin just died, Ashton. Kevin fleeping Tran. You know, I stopped myself from going on Tumblr for the sole purpose of not actually seeing if he died. Now he's dead. If Garth dies, I'm going to be so pissed." I exclaimed, trying to touch up my eye liner. "Ugh, great now my make is all smudged." I groaned standing up and going into the bathroom.

If I didn't know any better, I could've sworn I saw Luke look at my boobs. I'm pretty sure my brother told his friends I was off limits. Ashton knows that guys hit on me all the time. He even stands up for me in public. One time he actually swore at someone when I was with him and the guys walking to school.

Laughter came from the lounge. I quickly walked back into the room. Taking my seat next to Calum.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Oh it's nothing," Ash giggled.

"Ash I know that giggle. What?" I pushed. "Lukey has a small crush on someone we know."

"Oh, who is she?" I asked smiling.

"N- no one." He mumbled.

"Is it Jay? She likes you." I commented.

He gave a disgusted look. "She threw food at me. I do not like her."

I chuckled. "She likes the way your eyes look like they come from a movie," I quoted her. "Nah, who is it?"

"Oh you... you won't know her." Luke quickly answered.

"Oh okay." I shrugged.

I leaned back in my seat. Turning to tv up again. I glanced at Luke who glanced at me. Calum smirked. Mumbling something under his breath along the lines of, If only she knew how much he liked her...

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