Coming Home. Blurb 4/4.

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Coming Home

Blurb 4/4

Backstory: They come home.


M I C H A E L: You would be standing there with his mum and dad. You would have like a sign with something like, "The guy with whatever colour hair he has now," or something like that. You would see Ash come through the doors and you'd hug him obviously but let him see his family, you'd say hi to all the boys and then see Michael. You would tear up a bit because you haven't seen him in yonks and you'd just run to him and wrap your legs around his waist and just cry into his shoulder and he would just drop his bags and just hold you and tell you how much he loves you over and over again. Then you'd go back to his parents place and have a huge dinner and let him sleep for hours with you curled up next to him, because he admitted he can only sleep good enough with you.

C A L U M: You wouldn't know that he was coming home and you usually know whats happening because you check up on them all the time and love to just know what they're doing with life. So you'd be at home, sleeping, because sleep is awesome and its pretty early in the morning and your housemate would have known that he's coming home to surprise you so she'd stay up and let him in with all his bags and things. You would be listening to music through your headphones and have your face like buried in the pillows and your hair would be everywhere and you would be tired and mad as well, then he'd just run into the room and jump on you scaring the shit out of you but you'd like let him do it bc it's calum and he's cute.

A S H T O N: You would be sitting down with Harry on your knee or something because he didn't have anywhere to sit and you heart would pounding because you get to see him again. And some fans would come up and ask for a photo because everyone would love you, so you'd be having a photo with the girls then they'd just go quiet and kind of scare a little then you'd feel someone put their hands over your eyes and be like, "Guess who?" And you'd scream then turn around and just hug like a full on hug then push him away then you'd push towards his family and let him see them then you'd hug for ages afterwards.

L U K E: So would've stayed at Luke's house while his family goes to get him from the airport. Liz would say that you can just make yourself at home while she's gone, but you can't. You stay in Luke's room glancing nervously around the room and pace, just waiting for him to come back. He said that when he comes home he has something for you, and in all honesty all you care about is him. So when you hear the car pull up and see a blond boy with a snapback on backwards struggling with his bags, tears overtake your body. You run down the stairs, dodging furniture on the way - almost hitting one of his brothers and yelling sorry, you finally reach him and don't even give him a chance to actually say anything because you jump on him and just cling onto him because you just missed him so much. Liz would be smiling and his brothers would as well so would his dad but you would only hear and see and feel Luke because everything else was just blocked out.

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