Our Little Secret. Michael Clifford.

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Our Little Secret
Part three
Michael Clifford
Word Count:
Backstory: Part three.

"Right." I nod, taking the dark purple book from Calum's hands and holding it by the side of the kitchen counter, where I seem to spend most of my time lately. "And Michael said I should have it?"
"Well he said you should read it." Calum notes. "But I can't remember exactly what he said. But, he was pretty cut up about what happened yesterday - I can tell you that. He didn't mean to make you upset, he didn't think Leeandyr would stick around for so long."
"Right, duly noted, but he still had her around after I specifically said none of his skanks." I say, taking a piece of the pizza Calum had brought over and taking a few nibbles from the crust. "He still didn't do what I said."
"But you don't own him though." Calum says quietly.
"But I own his kid. And he wants to be in his kids life - therefore he should do what I say." I shrug.
"So if your father came back, wanting a relationship with you guys, but he had a wife and his own children and your mum said if he wanted anything to do with you guys, then he'd have to cut all ties with them. Would you let him do that?" Calum raises an eyebrow. "I understand what it's like being around Michael. He's stubborn and obnoxious, but you can't tell him he's not allowed anymore contact with girls. You wouldn't do what he says, just because he said it. Stop acting like you own him and start acting like you want him."
"And you think you know everything, how?"
"I basically live with the guy, Thea."
"And is that why you made that stupid little bet? Just to see what would happen?" I ask taking another bite of the pizza.
"I said I was sorry about that--"
"Guys, that's enough. Thea, go read that book and Calum, go see Ashton. He's in the garage doing whatever he's doing. Probably watching some stupid cartoon." Mum rounds the corner, gently taking the pizza box and placing it in Calum's hands. Then she turns to me. "Stop acting like you own him, and start acting like you want him. You know he's right, don't you?"
"Yes." I mumble. "But I don't want to admit it. Mum, I think I know what this is and I don't think it's a book."
"Because when I would go over to Michael's and... play scrabble, I found this in his tree house and he like got all flustered over it and threw it out the window. Well the giant rectangle cut out of the wood." I bite my lip, following her into the lounge and sitting down with her.
"Do you want to read it?"
"Well, yeah, but curiosity killed the cat, right?"
"You're also not a cat, Thea. Read the first thing you see in the book. Flick to any page." Mum smiles.
I nod, taking a deep breath and opening a page towards the end of the page. "Do I really have to?" I ask once I flick to a page with a penis drawn in detail. "He's kind of a child."
Mum sighs. "It's up to you, Thea. Go read it alone - and when you want to. Don't read it if you're still angry at him. Because there will be nice things in there about you and if you read them, you'll feel bad about all the things you said. For example, calling his friends skanks."

It took me three weeks to pick up the book again.
It would've taken me longer if I didn't see Lauren with it in her room reading it with her friend, then inviting Harry into her room to read some more of it. Let's just say, she laughed, so did her friend and so did Harry. I've embarrassed Michael more times than I can count now.
And I feel terrible for it.
Taking the dark purple, scratched and faded book into my hands as I sit out on the deck, I flick to the first page and settle on reading Michael's half messy, half tidy writing and listening to System Of A Down because it's the first CD he bought me.

Dear the thing I'm going to put all of my thoughts or whatever into. Do girls really put Dear Diary in these? Then end it by saying love whoever's name? I'll have to google it or something.
Well yesterday I asked mum if she could buy me a book for school and she bought me this, knowing it's not for school because I never do things for school. She knows by now that I beyond hate it and never want anything to do with it.
My therapist said I should write down all my thoughts whenever I feel like I want to die. And lucky for me, I don't feel like I want to die. I just don't have anything else to do and this was basically staring at me to write in it. Okay that's a massive lie. I just wanted to say that I have a huge 'crush' on Ashton's little sister and Calum bet me today that he could get into pants before me. So obviously I took the bet, I like her and everything and I've wanted to have the woo wee with her for ages now, why not take money for it?
I think it's extremely sexist, but who cares? She hot as fuck and I love proving Calum wrong. It's fun to see him have nothing to say because he knows he's wrong.
Well I guess that's all I have to say so.... bye?

It's been a month since I've even thought about this thing, let alone write it in so while I'm here think I should say some pretty interesting stuff; had sex with Thea. It was amazing. She like - I don't even know how to describe it. She was amazing. She definitely is not a virgin. She definitely isn't now anyway. I'm so going to ask to go out with her or just straight up have friends with benefits because she does wonders with her mouth. Seriously. Best I've EVER had and that's not even an exaggeration. It's the biggest truth I've ever put on paper. I'm so glad that I'm friends with Ashton now. YES. I'm so glad. I should probably put this under lock and key when I'm done... it would honestly be the worst thing in the entire world if Ashton found this. He'd peg me to the bloody clothes line and let the bats get me. Those are creepy little fuckers. Especially when they travel in packs. Is that what they're called? I have no idea.

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