There She Was. Luke Hemmings.

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There She Was
Luke Hemmings
Requested: No
Backstory: Luke had a crush on you, and doesn't really know how to talk to you.

*Luke's POV*

There she was. The girl of my dreams. She was the biggest nerd in the room, yet she was the most beautiful. Her smile could light up a whole room. Her laugh sent shivers down my spin. She sat in the corner, book in hand while her headphones were in her ears. Her taste in music made everything about her more great. She was perfect. 

"Stop staring, Luke. It's weird." Michael counted.

I glared at him. "Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not staring. I'm just... gazing." I defended.

"Because that sounds a lot better." He rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair.

"Mike, leave him alone." Mum spoke up from the seat next to me.

"Thank you-"

"And it's creepy, Luke. Just talk to her." She added cutting me off.

Calum, Luke and Ash all broke out laughing. "Yeah, it's creepy Luke." Ashton giggled.

I just sighed, rolling my eyes and running a hand through my hair. I can't just talk to her. She's so wow and what am I? A guy with blond hair who plays guitar and sings. Wow. Such a catch.

"Luke if you say something about The Avengers she'd probably talk to you." Mum said kindly.

"I know like nothing about them." I sighed.

"First of-"

"Don't even start, Ashton." I glanced over at him, cutting him off.

He rolled his eyes. Going back to his phone.

Her mum is friends with my mum. That's how we met. She never really talked to me - just kind of stood in the corner gazing at the ground. Her beautiful electric blue eyes casting away. Her bright purple hair covering some of her face, but still sat under her black beanie nicely. Even with glasses, Captain America shirt, ripped black skinny jeans and black Vans she looked amazing. In anything she was still the most gorgeous girl in the room, maybe even the planet. For she didn't know it yet, so it is up to me to tell her. Show her.

"Go and talk to her, or I'm going over there myself and telling her how much you like her." Mum threatened.

I ripped my gaze from my phone. Staring at my mum with pleading eyes of don't. Lord please no.

"Then go and talk to her."

"And what if she doesn't like me? Huh? What then? She thinks I'm weird and some kind of stalker?" I rambled on.

Mum just shook her head. "Don't be a weirdo then and go talk to her."

"Go, Luke, go." Ashton shoved my leg.

"Or is Lukey a little scared?" Calum teased pouting.

"I'm not scared." I retorted.

"Then talk to her."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Fine." I stood up. "I am."

"Oh, and Luke," Mum called after me, "don't make an idiot of yourself, yeah? Her mum really doesn't want you to hate her."

"Wow, no pressure mum. Thanks." I stated sarcastically.

There she sat. Her head buried in a book, like always. How can people hate this girl? She's like a beacon of perfection. She glanced up. Slowly taking her headphones out of her ears. She cleared her throat.

"Do- Can I help you?" She asked quietly.

"I- uh... how are you?" I stuttered.

"Erm... I'm okay..."

"Just okay?" I smiled, taking the seat next to her.

"I guess,"

I sat close to her. Wanting to know her. Wanting to be with her. "What are you reading?"

She pulled up her book. Showing me the cover. Girl In The Steel Corset by Kady Cross.

"Good book?" I questioned.

"I guess. Haven't gotten too far to actually judge it yet. Don't judge a book by its cover, right?" She quoted with a tiny awkward smile.

"Yeh, I guess." I chuckled awkwardly.

"You know, you can go if you want... get back to your friends? I can see them looking over here,"

"They're only looking because their teasing me," I looked at my hands.

"Because you're talking to a nerd like me?"

"Because I'm talking to an amazing girl, whom I've actually liked for a really long time..." I glanced at her.

She didn't say anything.

Good fucking it up, Hemmings.

"You- you don't mean that..." She trailed off.

"Why would I say something I don't mean?" I asked. Looking at the beautiful girl sitting in front of me. "I don't believe in lying. I've liked you for probably as long as I've known you."

"Probably?" She grinned.

"Yeah, probably."

"Lucas!" Mum yelled.

"I better... go..." I trailed off, standing up.

"Bye, blondie." She smiled.

"Bye grape."

She giggled, turning back to her book and shaking her head.

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