Walls Pt 6. Calum Hood.

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Part Six
Calum Hood
Backstory: Part 6 to walls.
Author Note: I'm sorry fucking sorry it's taken me so long to update Walls! I've had major writersblock for this story and I've been meaning to update for months. Sorry! x I can't remember if I gave that chick a name, so her name is Azalea now.

Taking the door handle and twisting, I open the door to reveal Michael on the other side with Calum close behind. Michael awkwardly kisses me on the cheek and smiles, letting Calum into the house before he does the same. No one really says anything when I walk away and sit in my lounge area with the stereo playing Defame Me by New Years Day and my large mirror holding up softly by its back against the tv. I continue cliping up parts of my hair and straightening it down.
"So, Azalea, huh?" I hear Michael say behind me. "She was that chick that did that dance to Dirrty by Christina Aguilera in school, aye? And everyone called her the schools slut for years."
"Yeah, that's the one. But she has a little brother on the football team that I coach, so she's a nice view when she's running." Calum replies.
I roll my eyes. "You do realize she isn't an object, she's a human woman that has feelings."
"And amazing boobs." Calum comments.
"And she can flick her legs some way," Michael adds earning a slap by Calum who nods his head towards me, thinking I can't see anything. "I mean, she's alright."
Turning my hair straightner off, I apply make up and stand. "Calum, can you help me pick out some shoes?"
"Oh yep."
He follows me into my room and starts looking through my many shoes lined up against the wall. "Hey, what about these ones?--"
"How come Michael keeps going on about Azalea? When I'm right there? It's like it was when we first met and he wanted to piss the shit out of me just to get a reaction. Oh, wow, those actually will go perfect with my dress, thanks." I take the black heeled ankle boots from Calum and take my green long sleeve, lace, thigh length dress from the hanger and strip.
"Maybe he just doesn't really know how it makes you feel." Calum hands me some socks and holds my hair up while I wiggle into my dress.
"I don't know, Calum. I just kind of get the feeling like he doesn't want me around anymore, you know?" I sigh turning around and absentmindedly buttoning up his black tuxedo shirt. "What do you think?"
"I think we should go."

When Calum lets the car jerk to a stop, I take in my surroundings. Alezannder Marine Cuisine flickers and points at the top of a huge building with cars and people bustling about at a hundred miles per hour.
"Exactly why I bought you here. It was meant to be for your birthday, but they didn't have any reservations until now and your birthday was ages ago." Calum says putting his arm around me and guiding us into the building. "Reservations for Hood."
"All good in the hood." I giggle to myself, when Azalea walks up and gives Michael an extremely long hug while whispering something in his ear.
"You must be Y/N." She smiles, pulling me into an awkward hug. "You are even more gorgeous than the photos! And that dress just looks.... great on your... figure."
Just cause you look like a fucking broom stick. I fight the urge to roll my eyes when she basically gropes Calum and Michael in the middle of this massive restaurant. She practically skips to our seat, making sure she sat next to Michael and Calum sat in front of her.
"I don't like her." I whispered to Calum when she starts a conversation with Michael about make up or something. "She bugs me."
"Is this jealousy?"
"You could have someone so much more classier than her. Someone who knew you, someone who actually knew what you liked and how you like your spaghetti with your toast and how you have your bed made when the new sheets are on it. Honestly, she isn't remotely close to being good enough." I whisper, using the menu to block our conversation from the other two.
"So someone, basically, like you."
"It kinda sounds like your jealous of her."
I let the menu fall when I start thinking of our relationship. I guess it did sound like I wanted to be the one who he talks to his best friend about. I shake my head. "Forget about it."
"Forget about what?" Azalea questions.

An hour later we leave the restaurant. Just me and Calum while Michael and Azalea are still eating. I sigh and sit down next to Calum on the curb.
"They seem like they know each other well." I comment.
"I think they've been messaging each other. Whenever I was with her, she kept texting someone."
"Michael has been distant."
"What you said back there, about me having someone who knows about me the same way you know about me... did you mean yourself? Or someone else?" He asks, almost scared.
"What would you want that answer be?"
"The first one."
"That I actually want to be the one that's with you... Our parents wouldn't care."
"Would you?"
"Can I kiss you?"
I nod, leaning in. My breath hitches in my throat when he gently places his hand on my left cheek and presses his lips to mine after closing his eyes.

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