Bickering Pt 2. Calm

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Part 2

Calm (All of 5sos)

Authors Note: Hiya! I'm gonna change the way I start the way I start the Preferences/Imagines/Scenarios or whatever it's called at the start. Hope its okay. You don't really care. Okay, well hope you like it (: X


Nothing really seemed the same anymore. It's been awkward every time I walk in a room the guys are in. Luke would go redder than tomato. Ashton would just snicker and Calum and Michael would give off a snarky remark under their breath. Today doesn't seem to be any different. They did the exact same thing this morning.

I shrugged off my school jacket. My hair flowing around my shoulders. I kicked my ugly school shoes off, other known as bricks.

"Y/N," I heard mum call.

"Yeah?" I dragged my school bag to the kitchen where mum stood cleaning the bench.

"Can you please look after your brother and his friends?" Mum whispered in a hushed tone.

I squinted. "What?"

"Look after your brother and his friends. You know, keep and eye on the place while I'm not here."

"And where are you going?"

"Your sister, Harry and I are going on a small trip. It's just us."

"Thanks for forgetting about me, much?"

Mum smiled. "You can have the next few days off school. Have a little you time, okay? Just tell me if they do anything bad..."

I grinned. "Will do, mumma. Can I possibly have $20?"


"So I can get ice cream?"

"Ugh. Fine. Keep the change, I know you're going to anyway."

"Thanks!" I beamed taking the money mum had in her wallet.

"We're leaving in twenty minutes. They should be home soon."

Ash, Luke, Mike and Cal still weren't home. It'd been two hours already. They were meant to be staying the night. Guess they're not.

I sighed. Turning the television off and grabbing the cup I used for my cup of tea and setting them on the counter top. Again I sighed. Taking the dishes and loading them into the dish washer. I cleaned the house for an hour before giving up and skipping to my room.

From the ceiling to the carpet it littered with posters. Nirvana to Slipknot. The Hobbit to the Avengers. My black carpet topped with a blood red mat. My room is fucking awesome. I traded my jeans for a pair of booty shorts and a baggy black top.

"Y/N?" A soft voice said shaking me. "Y/N?" It said again.

I groaned, pulling my heavy head from under my pillow. My head drooped as I slowly rubbed my eyes. "Hm?"

"Ash asked me to come get you.."

I didn't even have to look up to know who it was. Lucas.

"Dinners ready for you. It's just pizza."

"Hm?... ugh, thanks..." I mumbled pushing my hair out of my face and stumbling from my bed.

Luke quickly walked out of the room.

I didn't gracefully go down the stairs. I almost fell on my face. I just flung my head back, rubbed my eyes and gently sat on the couch.

"Were you alseep?" Ashton asked obnoxiously loud.

"Dude!" I exclaimed. "Can you not talk so loud? I was asleep actually."

I let my head drop to the side of the couch. My eyes falling shut.

"Y/N, you should eat something," Ash said nicely. "You can't sleep without some dinner." Why is he being so nice? Did mum die?

I let one eye look at him. "Did mum die?"

"No you idiot. Just eat something."

I rolled my eyes, leaning over and grabbing a piece of pizza, taking and plate and striding towards the door.

I sat outside in the nice Australian warmth. I laid down after I ate my piece of pizza. I gazed at the stars. My mind going blank as I closed my eyes. Enjoying the quietness.

I felt a sudden shift next to me. "Y/N? Can I, uhm, talk to you?"

It's Luke again.

I dragged my eyes away from the moon. "Sure,"

He laid next to me. His amazing blue eyes casting to the sky above us. "You look beautiful." He blurted out.

I'm glad he couldn't see me. My face burned scarlet in the dark. "Uh- uhm..." I stuttered out.

He glanced over at me. "Ash... Ashton wouldn't like me saying this - but, erm, I've had a crush on you for ages..."

Burning. That's what my body feels like. Like it's on fire. I could just burst into a thousand flames.

"And I know you don't feel the same way, but... the guys have been teasing me and they- they think I should tell you- you know what? I'm just gonna shut up now." Luke cut himself off.

"You have balls coming out here and saying that you know?" I glanced up at him. "Saying stuff like that is really something not a lot of people can do."

"So it's not stupid?"

"No, it's not. Look," I sat up, "what do you want me to say? That I like you too? That I've felt the same way since I met you?"

It was his turn to go complete red.

"It- it would be nice I... I guess..."

"You know Ashton would never let anything like this happen."

He sighed. "I know." He laid for a few more moments. "I'm just gonna go inside..."

He slaughtered across the grass. Just as he reached the door handle he turned back around.

He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, but quickly shut it.

"Hey, Luke?" I called. He gazed around the backyard. "I've felt the same way for ages."

He gave a small smile before taking off inside.

"Oh didn't I just do well?"  I sighed laying down. "What did I just do?!"

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