Stick Around. Ashton Irwin

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Stick Around

Ashton Irwin

Backstory: How Ashton makes you feel.


Something about that boy made my heart skip a beat every time his name was mentioned. My heart beat would go through the roof when he was near me. His laugh sent my knees weak. His smile made my heart melt. His touch made my whole body scream. He made my cheeks redden to the shade of fire red. He was like a drug. I want more. I want to feel like we're the only people in a crowded room. Even when he's away, I can still hear his laugh. The million different ways of his laugh causing me to smile like the biggest idiot. He is beautiful and I'm not. His smile is perfect, mine isn't. He's the definition for perfect and I wish I was just a little bit like that. But I'm not. I'm anything but that. And when I see him doing what he loves, I only wish I could share that with him... but I can't. Because he loves someone, and that someone isn't me. He only sees me as the little girl from down the road. The girl who always watched his practices whilst they were still on, YouTube.

I love you Ashton Fletcher Irwin, but you don't love me back...


Sorry its so short! It's more like a blurb.

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