Always Be Together. Blurb 1/4.

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Always Be Together
Blurb 1/4
Backstory: Blurb about insecurities within your relationship. It's more like a small preference.

A S H T O N: Sighing, I lean back into the bus' couch and close my eyes. He still isn't back from whatever he was doing, which he made sure to not tell me. It better be a surprise, or I'm going to be pissed.
"Hey, Y/N." Mrs Hemmings smiles when she steps out from the bunk area and sits next to me. "Where's Ashton?"
I shrug. "You tell me." I sigh again, sitting up properly. "How have you been Mrs Hemmings?"
"You know better than to call me that. Call me Liz. I've been good. I'm spending time with my son before I actually need to get back home, and that's all that matters. What about you? Have you been spending time with Ashton?" She already knows the answer is no, because whenever Ashton is around he's a dick or he doesn't talk to me. "Why don't you just break it off with him? You don't need him to be like that."
Shrugging I blink away a few tears. "I don't... want to walk away from him, not without a perfect reason..." Mrs Hemmings pulls me towards her in a hug. "I... I just love him so much and when he's here, fully here its perfect and I've never been happy. But lately it just seems like he doesn't even like me. And I hate the way he looks at me because it makes me feel like I'm gross." I sob out the words, not realizing the guys, but Ashton, had walked in.
"Then break it off with him," She says nicely.
"But what if it only takes one more chance for him to re-connect with me. I don't want to ruin that..."
"Do you want me to get Ashton for you?"
"No... I think I'll just wait for him to come to me. I don't want to make the first move. And if he doesn't... then it's over with us. I need to get back to work soon, anyway." I say pulling away from her and pulling my beanie down over my eyes and trying to sleep. Ashton made it obvious this morning that he didn't want me to sleep in his bunk when he isn't there.

"She thinks you don't like her anymore, Ashton." A hushed voice says from the other couch. "You need to go sort things out with her."
"Why do I need to sort things out? She's the one that needs to get over herself." Ashton sighs. I can almost see him roll his eyes.
"And you wonder why the two of you never speak to each other. At least treat her with decency, Ashton. Stop acting like a child and go sort things out with your girlfriend."
"No, Luke. I don't need to. She's leaving next week so I'll just do it then."
"The problems are going to get even worse. You're such a dick."
"Cause you know all of our problems." Ashton sternly, getting up and storming off the bus.
I hear Luke sigh and follow him, so they can get ready for their next show.
"Mrs Hemmings?" No reply.
I get up and walk out of the bus and to the storage unit. I take my bag out, leave it at the door and walk into the bus and grab my handbag, and rip a bit of paper off of the notepad in my bag.

Ashton call me if you want to sort things out with me, but if you still think I should get over myself, then don't bother and consider our relationship over. Thanks to everyone else on the bus who made comprises so I could stay, you know, instead of my "boyfriend". - Y/N

I take my bag and begin to walk to the gates so I can leave when I hear the first song of their set, and see Ashton on the massive screen. Sighing I continue to the gate and wait for a taxi.

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