Walls Pt 5. Calum Hood

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Walls Part 5
Calum Hood and Michael Clifford
Part 5 to Walls.
Author Note: you guys have said you liked it better when it was with Calum... okay so after this chapter or part or whatever, if you still want it to go on just comment and it'll happen.

To say the least; friends with benefits didn't work out. I mean, we did have a friends with benefits thing for about two weeks then we just... started seeing each other, I guess? I don't really know how it happened to be honest because I didn't really think that something like that would happen. But at least now I'm in a somewhat serious relationship with Michael Clifford and most people seem to know by now.

Ashton and Luke have seemed to not adapt to the actual fact that Michael and I are an item. They think it's weird, won't last, just a fling, just mucking around and (this is my favorite) I'm secretly in love with Calum and I'm using Michael to get to him. That is not true in any sort of way, shape or form. I could never use someone like that! It's disgusting and selfish. Plus, Calum and I don't feel like that. We are the friends that don't like each other because I'm with Michael and Calum said he has someone on his mind but won't tell me. And no - it's not me. Because he said that I don't know her so its probably someone from his soccer thing that he goes to. Anyway, Calum and I have strict feelings on that subject and both him and I are not going go jeopardize that.

"So you know that girl I said I had my eye on?" Calum asked from across the bench, whilst I made us a cup of tea. "Well we have got a date tomorrow and she said she wanted to have like a double date thing... so could you and Michael come along?"

"A double date?" I cringed. Double dates suck.

"Well yeah,"

"Cal, sorry to break it to you, but if a girl wants to have a double date and invite another couple that she doesn't know, she doesn't fancy you that much." I said pushing his mug over to him and grabbing my toast from the plate.

"Tell that to the ding-dong she just blowed." Calum smirked wiggling his eyebrows about in a proud fashion.

"Calum!" I gasped giggling. "I don't need to know, sheesh,"

"Well if she didn't like me that much then she wouldn't have done that, right? I mean, would you give a guy a blowie that you didn't like?" Calum asked almost afraid for the answer.

I didn't answer for a second, just stared at the boy sitting across from me. "No. Who do you think I am?"

"The girl who I've known since I was like nine or something. I know you; you gave that dude Jak or something a handjob to make him stop asking you out." Calum said giving me the look.

"That was a rumor. I can't believe you freaking believe it! That shit got me so much bullshit through school you dick. I did not give Jak Blackery a hand job to make him stop asking me out. I kicked him in the balls thank you very much." I spat, feeling my cheeks blaze and my insides bleak.

"Whoa, I'm sorry. My mistake." He put his hands up in mock fear.

"Bloody well it was your mistake."

"But would you have given him a hand job to make him stop asking you out?" Calum raised his eyebrow.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes then stomped up the hall and into my bedroom where Michael still sat reading a magazine. "You're not going to see Cal?"

"Naw. I don't think he'd like it very much if he knew I was here." Michael shrugged.

"Okay, well me and him are going to go to town. Wanna meet us there?" I pulled my shirt over my head and pulled my black summer dress down, and slipped my black converse on. "We'll be getting ice cream."

"Ooh, tempting, but I have to go to see my mum. She's angry at me for not being home anymore cause I stay with you too much," He smiled briefly. "I'll leave once you guys have."

"Okay. See you soon?"


"Oh, and do you maybe wanna come on a double date with Cal and the girl he likes? She wants to go on a double date thing." I asked turning around and seeing Michael on his phone.

"Oh, uh, yeah sure. Do you know who its with?"

"I'm not really sure. But I think its that chick from his game thing."

"Oh yeah. See you then, yeah?"

"I didn't even say when it was on..." I trailed off. "But that's okay. I'll just text you when I know the answer, yeah?"


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As soon as Calum and I got to the mall we got a table in the far corner, connected to the wifi and started gossiping. I know, I know. Childish? Yeah. But we usually just gossip/bitch about our family members. He starts with his cousin who is always in his 'grill' and I just start about the people in my class at school.

"But seriously, Calum. She just keeps getting on my nerves, how do I just stop her from annoying the shit out of me?" I sighed, taking a bite of my bacon cheese burger. "Even my mum says I'm the one in the wrong. Please don't tell me you do as well."

"I honestly will take your side on anything cause you're my best friend, but I'm gonna have to go with your mum on this. What is she doing wrong?"

"Brainwashing everyone." I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue. "She just gives off a weird vibe, you know? She just acts like she has everyone in the palm of her hand."

"Maybe she does."

"Calum, really?"


"You're not taking my side. Take my side." I smiled smally, knowing he already does have my side. "Hey... can, can I ask you something?"

"Of course. You can ask me anything. You know that." Calum smiled sweetly at me. Putting his phone on the table.

"Has Michael said anything to you about me?"

Calum frowned. "No, why?"

"I just-- it's silly. Never mind." I said trying to drop the subject.

"No, tell me. What's wrong?"

"Michael is just acting off. He's not really talking to me anymore. It's like he comes over, eats my food, watches my tv, uses the Internet, has sex with me then just leaves." I sighed. "And I know it's probably weird listening to this, and I'm not going to go into detail or anything, but I just feel like he's using me."

"Y/N," Calum frowned, "I'm not going to lie to you and say that everything's alright, but I will say this; if Michael hurts you in any way, shape or form, he will not only get a shit tonne of wrath from me, but also Ash and Luke. Because you are too special to be screwed around by Michael Clifford."

"Calum I just don't want to really end up liking him and he doesn't even like me."

"Hey," He put his hand on mine, "I know how insecure you get. And I know how sad and lonely you feel at times, so I'm telling you this so that you know for sure -- if you ever need anything, anything at all just come and tell me. And if he breaks your heart, I'm breaking him. It's not a threat. It's a promise."

I smiled at him. "You always know what to say." We sat and ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes until I spoke up. "So when is this double date happening?"


"Tonight? As in we eat with her tonight?"

"Yep. Problem?" Calum asked.

"Uhm yes. Where are we eating?"

"A fancy restaurant."

"And I need to look fancy?"


I grinned. "Come on then, let's buy me a new dress! Oh, and you'll be paying for it." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him off the chair.

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