Save Me Pt 3. Ashton Irwin

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Save Me Pt 3
Ashton Irwin
Backstory: Part 3 to Save Me.
A/N: Omg. This has gone really good ^.^ Uhm so maybe part 4 anyone??

Y/N's Point Of View:

He wouldn't have read it yet, would he? I mean it's been like a whole day... no. No, he wouldn't have. He has a social life, unlike me, and he has his family to worry about.

I nibbled on my black painted, chipped nail. Nerves swirling around my body. Seriously, why can't I just get over it? I'm probably just thinking too much. He won't even read it. Gosh, do I even know how fucking lame it is writing it in a letter? What am I? In bloody sixth grade? No. That was years ago. I'm now eighteen years old. I can tell the guy I like- love that I love him... can't I?...

Wait. Yes I can. Wait... no... I can't. Stop over thinking it! You're just going to get yourself worked up over nothing then it's just going to make you nervous and you won't be able to handle it. Get a grip. I pulled my knees to my chest, leaning against the wall beside my bed. What am I doing? He's so out of my league. He dated a model for crispys sake. Why would he even look twice at me?

"Y/N..." Someone called from behind the closed door. "It's Max. Can I come in?"

"Yeah." I mumbled, not really paying attention to anything. The letter. That letter... so... small, yet it holds so much power. Why am I thinking?!

"Over thinking it?" Max interrupted my train of thought as she flopped down on my bed, laying on her stomach as she flicked at my hair.

"What? Oh, yeah." I answered dazed. He doesn't care.

"You know, even if he doesn't feel the same way back, you'll still be friends." Max smiled.

I sighed, holding my head back. "I don't think so, Max. Just think about it; how awkward will it be when I just told him I'm in love with him, then he doesn't love me back? I love you, Max, but sometimes you're worse than your sister." I said, referring to her younger sister. Possibly the blondest girl you'll ever know. She said once, and I quote; "What if there was a place that you could hire books, but like from Video Easy."  Yes, there is a place. It's called a library.

"Do not even say I'm like her," Max defended, "she is just like, not even like... you get me." She gave up, sighing and laying on her back now.

"What am I going to do?" I asked closing my eyes.

"You wait for him to call you." Max answered. "And if he doesn't, then you know how he feels and just get over it. Yes, Max, it's just easy as balls to get over the guy you love.

--》It'd been a few days now. A few long days of going to school, worrying, coming home, worrying, watching tv, worrying, having dinner, worrying, doing the dishes, worrying and going to bed but then guess what? Even more worrying. It's all I've been doing the past couple days- just pure worry. It's turning into anxiety, and I really don't want that to happen.

"Y/N? Can you please come down here?" Mum called from the bottom of the stairs.

I groaned, slowly pulling the blankets back. It's become a habit of whenever I'm in bed, I just can't have any pants on. I know it's kinda weird but whuteva. Ew. I jumped into my pants, not in over exaggeration either, I had to jump to get into my pants. Like, no joke. Solking my way down the small hall then to the stair case and down. "Mum?" I called around the corner.

"I'm in the lounge." Mum called sweetly.

Some things wrong, I thought. Mum is nice, but never this nice. "Uh, okay..." I trailed off, pushing my black rimmed glasses up my nose.

"Okay, before you run; talk to him." Mum said, suddenly in front of me. "Ashton is in there and he told me everything."

"Everything?" I squeaked.


Here goes nothing...

--》Taking an awkward seat on the other side of the room to Ashton, he smiled. I kept my eyes glued to the ugly carpet and bright pink socks on my feet. I hate pink. It's a stupid colour. Ugh, why do I even have pink socks?

"So, uh," Ashton broke the incredibly awkward silence, "have you lost your phone or something?"

I still didn't look up. "No," My voice cracked, "I just uhm, haven't been looking at it much. Just got a new laptop."

"What kind?" He seems genuinely interested. Seriously? Can you get any more adorable.

"Just like a Mac."

"Okay, I'm just gonna get to the point; you love me, correct?"

I nodded.

"And you told me in a letter, because?..."

I shrugged.

"Okay then. Uhm, you want me to say something?"

I shrugged again.

"Y/N, if you don't answer me I'm going to leave and we'll never talk about this--"

"Maybe I don't want to, Ashton." I cut him off, my words sounding harsher than I wanted them to. "Maybe I just wanted to get it off my chest. Look, I understand if you don't love me back or whatever, but just don't drag it out." I stomped out of the lounge, and nearly to the steps when I hear Ashton stomping after me.

"Are you really going to act like a child? In this type of situation?" Ashton spat.

"Really? You're going to play the whole, I'm twenty and I'm and adult bullshit, because it does not work on me." I spun around, almost smacking into the usually smiley boy.

"I am an adult, Y/N." He rolled his eyes.

"And you sure act like one, don't you?" I exploded. "I have been your friend since I was fourteen, Ashton. You have never even acted like you were what, two years older than me."

"Maybe I want to hang on to being a child!"

"Well you're doing a good job of it then."

"What is that meant to mean?!"

"You know exactly what it's meant to mean, Ashton."

Mum walked into the room. "Okay! If there is any more yelling, Ash you can go."

"Ugh," I rolled my eyes, "he was going anyway."

"Oh I see how it is." Ashton spat, turning on his heel and stomped away. Careful to not slam the door, but show he was annoyed.

I didn't even stick around long enough for mum to give me a lecture. I just ran. Ran and locked myself in my room, whilst I cried about that stupid dimpled boy again.

The one thing I didn't want to happen out of all of this, just happened and I'm the main reason. I should of just kept my fat mouth closed. Now, the guy I love hates me and probably will never talk to me again... I need to apologize. But not now. Maybe in a few days- no I won't last that long. A few hours possibly.

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