Walls Pt 3. Calum Hood.

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Walls Part 3
Calum Hood and I actually think Michael now cause its kind of become a Mike imagine....
Backstory: Part 3 of Walls.
Authors Note: Hiya guys would you like me to make like another book thing but with all my long fics that are like a couples things long? I've had this idea for a while but I just didn't know so please tell me xox

"Oh come on. You don't mean that-"

"Yes I do. Now, leave!"

"Look, look just hear me out, okay?" Michael pushed the front door so he was still in my small apartment. "Just listen to me. Calum feels really fucking horrible about what he said and he hates you being mad at him. Granted you're always mad at me and its kinda hot but whatever I guess - Calum is so madly in love with the fact that you're his best friend."

"Please don't tell me he's in love with me, because I honestly don't know what I'd do." I breathed out staring the blond boy straight in his eyes.

He small chuckle erupted from his chest. "No, he's only a friend. He just loves the fact that you're his best friend and I quote, an amazing girl who could have chosen someone so much better but she chose me."

I smiled a little to myself, having an image of Calum flash across my mind. I did love him, but not like that. "It's cold so are you staying for dinner or leaving?" I asked wishing he'd stay.

"So you're not kicking me out?" Michael smirked.

"No..." I answered timidly, holding out my hand and dragging him inside. We sat down on my couch, just sitting in silence while a little bit of rain trickled down the side of my window. Michael fiddled with his shirt and kept glancing around the room.

"Can I do something that I've never tried before?" He asked almost in a whisper.

I glanced nervously at him. "What?... What is it?" I questioned also fiddling with my shirt.

"Has Calum ever told you that I've never had sex with a girl before?"

I shook my head, even though Calum had told me everything he knows about Michael Gordon Clifford (And might I say its quite a lot considering they're both dudes). "No."

"Well I never have and--"

"I'm not having sex with you." I cut him off quickly.

"What? No."

I closed my mouth, not bothering to say anything. I just stared at my feet.

"Can I uhm... I don't know... kiss you? I mean if not its totally fine but I- yeah I mean its dumb- just... just forget about it." Michael mumbled the last bit, suddenly feeling at tiny as an ant. He looked adorable when he's all flustered.

"I've had sex before." I said scooting closer to him. "And it's not all that it's cracked up to be."

"Are you just saying that to make me feel better?"

"Mostly yes but I'm being serious. I honestly don't think its that amazing. Maybe I just haven't found the person yet or maybe I just..." I trailed off playing with a small strand of my hair. I glanced over at Mike for a few moments before quickly looking at my television that was off. We had no lights, no music, no phones - nothing it's just me and Michael in a empty apartment beside my mums house with just two teenagers... and what do teenagers do? Just what I'm about to do.

Without even given Mike warning I pulled myself onto him and kissed him. He took a few moments to kiss back, but he did. He kissed me back, again and again and again and again until we were both out of breath.  I leaned my forehead on his, letting what just happened sink in.

"This is weird." I commented. "I don't like you."

"Well you do now." He smirked.

I smiled with him. "Wanna go finish doing this some place else or?..."

"Completely!" He scrambled off the couch and ran down the hallway. He doesn't even know where to go but I giggled and went afte him. Just as I reached my bedroom door, seeing him with no shirt on, on my bed the phone rang. I flung my head back groaning.


"Dinners ready."

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