You Know I Love You, Right? Luke Hemmings

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You Know I Love You, Right?
Luke Hemmings
Backstory: You and Luke had kept your relationship secret until an interview. You're in a band that's touring with 5 Seconds Of Summer.


"What is your best memory of being on tour with 5 Seconds Of Summer, Raen?" The interviewer Heather asked nicely.

"Oh, I'd say... just being around really sincere people on a daily basis I guess. Mostly the weird conversations we'd have when we have jetlag," I chuckled.

"We all know that most of the 5SOSfam and the Theories A lined fans ship Luke and Raen don't we?" Heather grinned as the boys all whoo'd. "Can you boys tell us why you think that is?"

"I think," Michael started, "people ship them because they both love Nickelback and Nirvana and Blink and for the sole purpose because they both have dimples."

"I personally see why people ship them is because they get along really well. Like you don't ever see them get angry at each other and they're both so awkward. And then in the corner they be awkward together," Calum smiled at us.

"And you, Ashton?" Heather passed the microphone over to him.

"I can see why people ship them. I can see why they would. It's just the friendship they have and its so close like she isn't as close to us as she is with him." Ashton answered.

"Why is it only me?" I spoke up, flying my hands around. "Why can't you say something about that?" I asked pointing to Luke who say next to me.

"They always sit next to each other!" Mike yelled. "Always! Even if its just like on the couch or on the tour bus or something they sit next to each other and just each munchies."

"Raen can you tell us why you sit next to him?"

"Again why isn't him? He could sit next to me all the time!" I defended. "But I sit next to him because he's nice and wears cool tops."

Luke busted out laughing. "Who says cool anymore?"

"I do, okay? Is that okay with you Lucifer?"

He glared at me. "Puddle."

I rolled my eyes.

"They have nicknames for each other. How cute." Ashton teased.

"You're a horrible person." I joked. "My mum watches these!"

"Then we can say this; Hi Raen's mum! She's in love with Luke and Luke is in love with her. They don't need to hide it." Calum gave a thumbs up to the screen.

Luke gave me the look. "Should we just say?" He mouthed.

I looked at him for a moment. But Michael spoke up.

"And to clarify, they text all the time. Like non stop they text each other. And its about nothing. I read one of their conversations and all it was, was like 'Batman is cool' 'Yeah I know' 'Plus Batman is pretty hot' 'What about Spiderman?' 'Nah not really. But Loki is' 'We all know about Loki' 'Its Tom Hiddleston obviously'. All it is for like the whole day."

"Is not! You forgot the part about Thor." Luke defended.

"Yes. Thor is a very big part in that too," I said.

Heather laughed. "I saw you two have a little conversation. What was it?" She looked between the two of us.

I glanced up at him. "Should... should we say?" I asked.

"Should we?"

"I don't know that's why I'm asking you!"

"Why I'm asking you."

"You are hopeless."

"You are."

"Am not."

"Am too."


"I'm a child? I'm taller than you."

"Everyone is taller than me." I laughed. "Have you seen how short I am?"

"I have actually. Okay. We'll say?"

"Okay. You go," I decided.

Luke smiled at me. He intertwined our hands. Holding them up to the camera. "We actually have been going out since the start of tour."

The boys sat there mouths hanging open. Heather gave a small chuckle obviously shocked.

"You sly little dicks." Calum laughed. "I knew it! I freaking knew it! Michael you so owe me pizza."

"You bet on us?!" I shrieked still holding onto Luke's hand. "You are so rude..." I laughed shaking my head.

Michael grumbled something and Ashton just grinned. "That's why you two message all the time isn't it?"

"What were we meant to?" I leaned my head on Luke's shoulder.

We walked hand in hand back to the bus. Getting ready for all the questions. Just before we got to the bus Luke stopped. He pulled me into a hug. "You know I love you, right?"

"You know I know," I mumbled into his shoulder as I closed my eyes. Loving the fact we could do this and not worry about getting caught.

"Good. Because I love you... so so much. I love you Dilan-Raen."

"And I love you, Lucas. So much." I pulled away slightly so I could get on my tippy toes and kiss him.

"Aww come on you two. We know you're together don't need to be all cute." Mikey groaned climbing into the bus.

"Raen and Luke are together?" Liz called from in front of the bus. "Finally!"

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