Our Little Secret. (Epilogue). Michael Clifford.

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Our Little Secret (Epilogue)
Michael Clifford
Blurb: The epilogue to "Our Little Secret". Basically part five. Jumping sixteen years into the future as well.

"Oh, gosh, you still have that thing?" Michael asks as he drops his bag down by the front door. "I thought I threw it out?"
"Oh, you did." I answer, holding up the ratty old purple book. "I took it out. I haven't finished reading it yet."
"Its been a year, Thea. How come you haven't finished it?" He laughs placing his phone on the bench. "Seriously, it's like not even used every page."
"I do have a one year old daughter and a boyfriend that needs as much attention and my one year old daughter." I laugh. "How was your day?" I ask, moving over on the couch so he could sit down.
Resting his head on my lap, he sighs. "It was hard. I'm starting to think I shouldn't try with the band anymore. I miss you and Hollaye too much."
Frowning, I play with his hair and glance at the clock hanging just above the kitchen arch way. "You're home early - its only twenty passed four."
"I wanted to come home early to sort out something for Hollaye's first birthday. what theme do you think we should have?"
"I think we should just have a family day at the beach. Just our immediate family. I don't really want to deal with Helen."
"She's still angry?" He looks up at me.
I sigh. "Yeah. Every time she comes over, she always has to prove that she would've been a good parent. She literally takes over Hollaye when she's around. I'm so sick of it."
"Well, Hollaye is ours." He pauses for a bit. "I'm glad that you realized keeping Baba was for the best."
"Mum should be bringing her home shortly. Let's get dinner ready."

Gently placing Hollaye down in our bed, Michael pulls up the blankets and kisses her forehead.
Whispering something to her, he smiles at me. "Come on, let's go to the lounge."
"Why?" I whisper.
"I have something to show you."
Following behind him, we enter the lounge and sit on the sofa.
Michael takes the purple book from the coffee table and pulls a pen out from his jeans. "Before you ask anything, how much have you read?"
"Well, I'm nearly finished. I'm just reading about how much you regretted breaking up with me and going out with Leeandyr." I say. "Why? Are you really going to put it in the bin?"
"No, we're going to write something new in it." He smiles.
"What?" I chuckle. "Are you serious?"
"Yes. And you're going to help me. Then we're going to keep it, so when Hollaye is old enough, she can as well." Michael grins.
"Do you really want our daughter to know about our sex life? Before Ashton "cocked blocked" you?"
His smile drops. "Just write the bloody date."
After an hour of debating whether to add that certain detail, we were finally finished.
"Done?" He asks.
"Now, you need to finish it." I hand the pen over.

*15 years later*
"I would like to get Michael up here with me." I say, holding out my hand. "Can you bring it?"
Michael hands over the even more broken purple book. He places a gentle hand around my waist. "Hollaye, I would firstly like to tell you how proud I am of you." Michael starts, ignoring every other gaze from his daughters friends, and only focuses on her. "You brought me and your mum back together when we thought it was the end, you pushed me to become a better husband, a better father, and a better person all together. You made our house a home again. It was you who brought our family back together again, when it should've been me. You offered to stay home every time you could to look after your little brother, you even picked his name. And we both think its time for you to finally find out what this purple book is."
"This is the diary of seventeen year old Michael Clifford." I say, causing Hollaye and most other people in the room to laugh. "And your dad gave this to me when I was seven months pregnant with you. And about a week before your first birthday, I finished reading it. But dad wanted to put another little thing in here, and I think its time to read it to you." I look down at my daughter, surrounded by her friends and smiling up at me and her dad. My whole world is falling into place. For the first time in a long time. "To Hollaye, I never understood how much I could love a single person. I thought I new how to love, but seeing your little smile, the way your eyes sparkle when you see Michael when he comes home. There was so much drama when I found out I was pregnant with you, and I hate to admit it, but I was even thinking of giving you to your aunt, to raise you. I had this stupid thought that Michael and I weren't good enough for you. And maybe I was right, but seeing you sleeping, sound asleep, in our bed, makes my heart fill with happiness. Even more than pizza."

I said she should put that in there." Michael says.
Hollaye laughs. "Well its true."
"Anyway," I look over at him, "getting back to my heart felt letter. I realize now that I made the best decision I've ever made when I kept you. Michael and I may not be the best parents, but we're the best we can be. We both love you, and we both fight over who loves you most, but the love we share for you is infinite. Love mum and dad."
"I would also like to say; you're not reading this either." Michael says taking the purple book.
"Why?" Hollaye asks, standing up and wrapping her arms around me.
"Reasons." Michael fumbles with the book.
"He wrote about how amazing and beautiful I was. He's embarrassed." I whisper letting go.
Hollaye screws her face up. "Dad! Why would you even put that on paper?!"
"I was seventeen, Hollaye!" Michael defends himself.
"That's disgusting. And so... Rude. Mum, what do you think of it?"
"I told Jaemy every detail of our sex life." I shrug. "I don't see a problem in it."
Hollaye gags. "You're both gross."
"We read it so we can remember it." Michael and I laugh loudly together, enjoying the fact that we're tormenting our sixteen year old daughter in front of her classmates.
She smiles and tiny smile, but let's herself fall into our family hug, and letting Daviron come in as well.
Michael looks at me, with a content smile on his face. He places a tiny kiss on my temple, and holds Daviron closer.

- Kartyr-Dottie

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