Save Me Pt 4. Ashton Irwin

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Save Me Pt 4
Ashton Irwin
Backstory: Part 4 of Save Me.
A/N: It's pretty short. I couldn't really think of how to finish it so... Y/N's old boyfriend is back. Should I do a part 5 or just not update Save Me??

Ashton's Point Of View:

I paced the room, nibbling on my finger nail. Michael, Luke, Calum and Lauren (not by choice) sat staring at me. "And then she just stormed off!" I huffed, rolling my eyes throwing my hands around. "Had a spaz at me then told me to leave."

Lauren sighed. "Ash, it's how girls are--"

"Y/N's not like that." I stopped, only for a moment, then paced back and forth again. "She's different..."

I could practically see Michael rolling his eyes and wishing he was home eating pizza and playing play station. But, this is about me. It's selfish, but I don't care.

"Just talk to her." Michael seemed annoyed.

"I can't just talk to her , Michael." I huffed.

"Why?" He rolled his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, Michael." Lauren said. "You can't just talk to a girl. Seriously, I'm a girl. Okay, Ashton, just-- do you want me to text her?"

"No! Absolutely not."

"She's stubborn." Luke stated.

"Even more stubborn than, Michael."

"Hey!" He yelled, then nodded in agreement. "It's true."

"So... what do I do, Lauren?"

---》Dear Y/N,
I'm writing you a letter back. Just so that you know I'm not weirded out or anything. This is hard for me because I'm sitting in a room with the boys, mum, Harry and Lauren staring at me and it's hella awkward.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that I love you too and I was going to say that before you had a 'moment' and stormed off. I get that you're still probably pissed at me but please can you hear me out?
1: I know that what you're going through is horrible. I've been in the same place as you. You don't understand how happy and sad I am that you didn't go through with it because of me.
2: You make me smile and I hate you being mad at me.
3: You're way pretty and you're one of my best friends. You're beautiful and lovely and just over all amazing. I can honestly say that you make my day so much better when you smile or come and see me.
4: I love you.
5: I've loved you since I was sixteen.

Please stop being mad at me because I hate it. You're just amazing and I love you. I could say it a million times over because, Y/N, it's the bloody truth. If you're reading this and don't believe a word I've just said, well written but whatever, please remember that I would never ever lie to you. You're possibly the love of my life and I would never lie to someone as special as that.
Love you, (not lying) Ashton ♥ xox

Folding the worn out paper with my messy scribbles on it in the envelope, I sealed it shut. I nervously fiddled with the paper. Should I actually give it her? I'm twenty not eight. Gosh, why am I so awkward when it comes to this stuff? I never usually am... she's gonna hate me.

"So have you written it?" Mum asked excitedly from the couch.

"Yeah, yeah I have. I don't think I'm going to give to her though ya know?" I chewed the inside of my gum flicking the paper.

Mum sighed. "Ash, you need to give to her."


"And it can be your thing."

"Our thing?" I repeated, squinting.

"Yeah," Mum smiled brightly, "your thing. How cute will it be if you guys like write to each other. She could be your pen pal."

"That's weird." I stated, kinda liking the idea.

"Liar." Calum mumbled. "You like the idea of it." He added scrolling mindlessly through his phone.

Eh, he's not exactly wrong... "Uhh, I'm just going to go for a walk..."   I needed to get out of there. I can't just you know stand around while the people very dear to me talk about my Love Life and critics it. Its just kinda really not on.

Y/N's Point Of View:

Why did I go off at him like that? Why? He was just trying to talk to me and I just completely made it worse. I'm the worst person ever. What did I think was going to happen? That he'll read the letter and tell me he feels the same way? It's not a movie. It's real life. The truth is that I'm in love with a guy who is two years older than me, in a world famous band, leaves in like a week and he has so many beautiful girls throwing themselves at him on a daily basis. Not to mention, his family. I love them like my own but they have to approve and I'm not really 100% that they do.

It's frustrating. This. It's all so fucking frustrating. Love, it's so complicated these days. Why can't it be like the old times? Why can't it just be like, hey I like you, oh yeah same, okay we're dating. But no. It has to be so fucking complicated.

I groaned, pushing my hair out of my face as I locked the front door. A walk will clear my mind... or just make it insanely worse. Awesome. Don't know the answer to either. I pulled my phone out, reading a few Tumblr posts. I don't really like anything other than Tumblr. Twitter is too full of bullshit and Facebook is just annoying as fuck. I hate both.

"Y/N?" A male voice called.

I looked up, seeing a face I thought I'd never see again. "Oh my gosh, Danny?" I smiled.

"Hey," He grinned pulling me into a hug. Danny was a very... close friend as people may say. We went out when I was sixteen. I thought I was in love with him... I don't know.

"Oh, I haven't seen you in so long!" I laughed looking at him. He smiled, making my heart swell. That smile used to make my day... but now it was Ashton.

"Wanna get coffee?" Danny smiled.

"Sure, if you want." I chuckled.


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