You Mean So Much To Me. Luke Hemmings

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You Mean So Much To Me
Luke Hemmings
Backstory: Luke is over at your house while your parents and siblings are away. They catch you dancing in the lounge.

"Aloha," I smiled at the blond standing at my door. "Thought you'd be here later?"

Luke rolled his eyes playfully. "Nah, I needed to get out of the house."

"Any reason?" I asked while opening the door wider. Luke kissed my cheek handing me a few shopping bags. "Thanks,"

"Mum started teasing me."

"About what?" I chuckled, heaving the two full shopping bags on the bench.

"About being "whipped". Ugh, I'm not even." Luke rolled his eyes.

I frowned. "I don't know if I'm meant to be offended or not..." I trailed off, rummaging through the bags Luke bought around. "Oh!" I gasped. "You got me teeth! Oh, you're in my good books now."

"There's Cookies & Cream ice cream in there as well. Please don't eat all of it, I want it too." Luke jumped on the breakfast seat next to me.

I looked at him. Even when he's sitting down he still manages to be taller than me. This guy is a giant. "Oh, Lucifer, I'm eating this ice cream - whether you like it or not."

"One," Luke glared playfully, "never call me Lucifer, and secondly, I bought this all for me."

I folded my arms like a child. A small smirk playing on my lips. "Really? Then why are you here?"

"You cure my boredom," Luke shook his head like I was meant to know.

"Is that all I am to you? Wow. Thanks, you're an amazing boyfriend." I joked slinging my arms around his neck and moving inbetween his legs.

He smiled at me. His dimple showing. "You should kiss me right about now,"

"Oh really?" I grinned.



"I..." Luke kissed me, "love," another kiss, "you," kiss, "did you know that?" Moving one of hands from my waist, he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

I blushed like crazy. "Shut up,"

"No. I mean it. I really do."

I rolled my eyes. "Enough with the mushy stuff, yeah? Let's go eat some food and watch..." I glanced behind me, my hips moving closer to his, looking at the movies, "...The Lego Movie or, The Hobbit." Turning back around, Luke smashed his lips to mine. Knocking the wind out of me.

"Love you!" He pecked my cheek before pulling away and running down the small steps into the lounge. Leaving me standing there, wondering what just happened.


Luke didn't want to watch, The Hobbit, so we watched The Lego Movie for the second time this week. I'm not complaining. I mean, The Lego Movie is bleeping awesome. Who wouldn't like it? I personally thought I was going to hate it, it just seemed so... stupid. I surprised myself by liking it. Surprised Luke even more than myself, I think.

Jumping up from the couch, I turned the dvd player off and plugged my phone into the stereo. Not so long ago, Mum invested in buying an amazing surround sound, I still haven't "Checked if it's working"  really, it just gives me an excuse to listen to my music really loud and fuck off all of my neighbors. Good times!

"Okay, Lucas, what song do you want to listen to?" I glanced at Luke, who laid on the couch looking at me. "I'm feeling a little, Punk Goes Pop. Maybe... 5?"

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