Watching The Oscars. Blurb 2/4.

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Watching The Oscars
Blurb 2/4
Backstory: What would happen whilst watching the Oscars with Calum and Michael.

M I C H A E L: You two would be sitting on the couch in your pajamas with snacks in bowls and packets on the coffee table. It would be a rainy day and the curtins will be closed and you'd be wrapped up in a blanket with your head resting on his chest. He'd kiss your forehead when it's a boring part and when someone won that you didn't like he'd just laugh and hand you another bourbon.

C A L U M: Like Michael, it'd be a rainy day and you'd be snuggled up in a blanket with hot chocolates and mashed potatoes. Calum and yourself would criticize all of the dresses and suits and make fun of people, but in a nice way, and spend the day together.

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