Little Michael Blurb

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Little Michael Blurb

Michael Clifford

Backstory: I needed to update so this is a little thing for mike. I'll continue soon xox


Everyone tells you that heartbreak isn't easy to get over, and it takes a while for your wounds to truly be patched up again. As true as that statement is, no one told me it would hurt this much. And it sucks having shared so much of your being with someone, and then it just disappears in an instant. The only thing that I can understand about heartbreak, love, loss any of it - is that everyone has a different experience and even if you confined in someone, they never truly understand because they don't know what kind of love you and that person shared. If it was a sister, brother, parent, grandparent, child, lover and or even pet. They don't know exactly how you feel, because they didn't have the same connection. And if we except that, we can get through it... one step at a time.

You know, I loved him with my whole heart. It sounds a bit childish, but it's so true. I loved him so much, and now all that love is gone and it's been replaced with dread, hate and sadness. It makes it even worse, turning a corner and seeing him in everyone. It's stupid. Love. Such an amazing thing to have, but in an instant it can rip you apart and ruin everything that you have. When it's good, it's good... but it can never really get any better than that. I'm not an expert on these things - but I like to think I have a special insight.

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