She Looks So Perfect. Luke Hemmings

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She Looks So Perfect

Luke Hemmings

Backstory: Luke stays at your house while your parents are away and is all cute and all.


I sighed, reaching over to my closet door. Nothing is looking good today. Nothing. I mean, I have heaps of clothes, but I mean... nothing is looking good. I sat my cup of tea down on the drawer next to my closet. I ran a hand through my hand. Rolling my eyes at the mess that played out in front of me.

"Okay..." I whispered to myself. "Today we can find something. Today is the day,"

I only had one of Luke's plaid shirts on. He seemed to be off somewhere else, and it's just us in the house. Last night my parents left and told me to invite Luke over since they're leaving for a few days. My siblings went with them.

"Black, black, black, red, black, black... purple? White, black, black," I mumbled flicking through the clothes on my coat hangers. "Why do I own so much black? Hm,"

I sighed again. Sitting down on the banister I grabbed my cup of tea.

"Finding something to wear?" A Australian said from across the room.

"Hm?" I asked dazed then nodded. "Possibly. Can't find anything though," I told him. He stood only in his boxers.

"Do you know when your parents are coming back?" He asked, leaning against the banister.

"In a few days," I answered looking at him. Even from sitting up higher he's still taller.

"Wanna go out somewhere today?"

"If I can find something good enough, sure." He smiled at me.

"You look amazing in anything,"

"Oh stop it you!"

He laughed, snaking his lanky arms around me and kissing my temple. "You are amazing. Now, find something to wear. I'm hungry and want food,"

"Its called making it,"

"Actually, its called being able to afford it." He gave a cheeky grin.

I giggled. "Fine. You're paying,"

"Of course,"

I finally decided on ripped skinny jeans, a Green Day shirt and black Converse.

"See! You can pick something," Luke smiled grabbing the keys.

"Uh, no. I don't want to die. I'm driving." Luke rolled his eyes.

My phone was flashing with a notification. I picked unlocked my phone as I walked out the door and down to my car. It was a picture of me on the banister with his plaid shirt with the caption, She Looks So Perfect. I grinned down at my phone. He was so sweet. I looked up at him at the door, trying his hardest to get the key in the door. He's such an idiot.

"Come on, we gotta get you food." I called back to him.

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