Goodbye? Pt 2. Michael Clifford.

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Goodbye? Part 2
Michael Clifford
Backstory: Part 2 to Goodbye?

  "Y/N, someone is at the door for you!" My sister yelled from the door. "And hurry up because I need to pee!"

  "Ugh, just wait!" I yelled back. "High maintenance beyotch." I muttered pulling my shorts down and adjusting my cardigan. I don't get visitors, so this is strange. "Did you see who it was?"


  "Who was it?"

  "Open the door and find out?" She rolled her eyes turning the television up again.

  I sighed, locking my phone and opening the door. I know that crazy hair anywhere. Michael. "Hi..." I trailed off.

  "Hey," He smiled. "I thought we could maybe talk?"

  "And why would you want to do that?"

  "Because I missed you and I want you back and I want to hug you again and kiss you and hold your hand and do boyfriend things with you because I love you." He said casually.

  I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. "Oh really?"

  "Yeah. Oh and I got you this," Michael handed me a bag.

  I smiled opening it. Inside it sat a teddy bear with Love You xx written on it and some chocolate. "You shouldn't have. Really."

  "Open the chocolate."

  "Fine." I opened the chocolate tin. Inside sat two tickets to Warped Tour 2015. "Thanks?"

  "Uhm yeah. You have to take me."

  I grinned. "Come on in. Boyfriend."

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