Just A Little Bored. Ashton Irwin

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Just A Little Bored
Ashton Irwin
Backstory: You help your friend who is a netball coach. She didn't make it to the court today since she is sick. A cute boy whom is always there comes over to you. You've had a crush on him, and he to you. The girls in the netball team tease you about it.

It was sunny and a little windy at the Netball courts. It was packed already and the other teams seemed like they were good.

"Okay, we know we can't win this right? You don't want to be in a good grade team, right?" I spoke to my team.

"No." They all answered.

I smiled. "Good. Now you guys have to do warm up or whatever,"

I'm not the team coach. I'm a  friend of the coach but she isn't  here. She is sick and wanted me to come out today. But the team loved me. They loved us both.

"You've come to every game and don't even know," Hannah laughed. She was tall and really good at what she does.

"I don't take notice, Hannah." I shook my head. "If you guys want we can go get ice cream after?"

"Yes!" They all yelled.

"Now go warm up," I smiled, gently shoving a few girls onto the court. I looked around, my eyes landing on a tall boy with curly brown hair and an amazing laugh. He looked like he was with his family.

He was cute.

Really cute.

The girls giggled at me as I stared at him. He had a plaid shirt wrapped around his waist.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Jaemy teased.

"Eyes on the court, Jae. Eyes on the court."

She just laughed, passing the ball off to Violet.

I sighed, taking my phone out and texting Hayley. He has the most cutest smile an amazing brown eyes. They met mine. He smiled kindly. I smiled back. My cheeks heating.

"Oooh, Y/N has a crush!" Kaeti giggled.

"Shh!" I hissed as she just grinned and ran back to the court.

The game had been going on for about 40 minutes when he walked up to me.

"Hey," He smiled.

He's tall.

"Hey," I smiled back at him.

He's got dimples. Yes!

"Are you the coach?" He asked sweetly.

Gentlemen. Please ask me out.

"No," I chuckled. "No, the coach is just sick today,"

He crossed his arms. Showing his muscles. Oh my god.

"That's cool."

"Yeah I guess," I chuckled.

"I, uhm, heard the girls talking about how you have a crush on me?"

Kill me now. Kill me now. Kill me in a ditch.

"Oh my... god..." I groaned, covering my face with my hands.

This is the worst day of my life.

I laughed. His laugh!

"It's okay," He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him. "My sister heard them and started teasing me... because... well, you wanna know the only reason why I come here?"

"The free food after? The only reason I do." I still had my hands over my face.

"That, and because I come here to see you... but you never noticed me." He answered. "I'm Ashton, swear I'm not a stalker,"

I peeked up at him. A small smile playing on my lips. "Y/N, so not a weirdo."

"Nice to finally talk to you and not just stare at you." Ashton giggled.

"Nice to actually talk at you and not stare at your hair."

He giggled cuddling my shoulder. He smelled so nice.

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