You. Michael Clifford.

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Michael Clifford.
Blurb: "It's you. It's always been you."


I've had my fair share of crushes and boyfriends and heartbreaks.

I had my first boyfriend in kindergarten. It was a kid named Cameron with bright red curls and a face covered in freckles. I thought we were going to get married. That lasted two days. My first kiss was with a boy named Dylan in seventh grade behind the school shed. He was also my first heartbreak. Incidentally, I was kissed and dumped on the same day because I wasn't a 'good enough kisser'. I cried into my pillow for three days straight. I lost my virginity on my sixteenth birthday to this guy named Eric that I'd been dating for nearly a year. But as soon as he had finished, he left, saying that was all he wanted.

And throughout all of this, I knew that I could call my best friend, Michael. I can't count the amount of times I've cried into his shoulder and wetted his favourite sweater. We've known each other since we were born. He's there for me, and I'm there for him. He was always the one that I would go to.

But one day, he wasn't there anymore.


U wanna cum over??

The text message illuminated my phone screen, half under the pillow.

"Who's that?" Michael asks from across the room, a half-eaten slice of pizza resting on his chest.

"Josh," I replied, finishing off my own bite of pizza. It was a typical Friday night. Michael would come over about an hour after school with two boxes of pizza, video games, and movies. We'd stay awake until the sun was up, just enjoying each other's presence and the glow of the television screen. But usually, Josh wouldn't text me on a Friday. He knew it was Michael and I's day.

"What does he want now?" He groaned.

Michael has never liked Josh. I'm not quite sure why, whenever I ask him he just sort of brushes me off and changes the subject. When I had told him I was dating Josh, he completely flipped out. We didn't talk for a whole week and that was the worst week of my entire life. I got a glimpse of what life without my best friend would be like and, to put it simply, I'd rather die.

"He wants me to come over," I say, starting to sit up.

"You're not seriously going to go over to that douchebag's house. You know how I feel about him and besides – it's movie night," he says.

"So what if I am? You're my best friend, Michael. Not my dad!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, because your dad left you and your sorry ass years ago!" Michael yells at me, turning around and not seeing the tears in my eyes. "God! I'm starting to understand why he ran as soon as he got the chance!"

"Get out," I growl at him, the water on my bottom lashes making it hard to see anything. He turns to me and his face instantly softens and radiates regret.

"Y/N, I didn't mean tha-,"

"Get out of my house, Michael," He ignores me and tries to reach for my arm. "I said, get the fuck out!"

He shrinks away from the volume of my voice, an unknown anger covering the room like a thick fog. I know I shouldn't be yelling at him, I know that deep down he didn't really mean it, but I also know that he shouldn't have used my absent father against me. He nods his head twice solemnly and packs up his things. The click of the door closing and heavy breathing is all that is left.


It was three weeks after that day that I finally saw Michael properly again.

I'd seen him around at school, laughing with Luke and Calum, practicing on his guitar in the music room, and, of course, with his new female interest, Ashley. I hadn't seen them together together, they hadn't been kissing in the corridors or holding hands at lunch, but I knew that he liked her as more than a mere mate. I've known him since we were born and I knew what that dazed smile and glazed-over eyes meant. He had fallen hard for the one and only Ashley Frangipane.

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