For A While. Luke Hemmings

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For A While

Luke Hemmings 

Word Count (Since this is on the computer): 1912

Backstory: Based of, Wherever You Are. You and Luke are in love but he breaks it off, leaving you both heartbroken. 


It's never easy letting go of a loved one. I should know that the most. My sister walked away from our family, my brother left for a different country, my nephew probably doesn't even know who I am anymore, my father took off with a new wife and kids, my grandparents basically said my mother would kill me and my siblings if we ever went and lived with her again. She didn't. I knew my mum. She loved us - she still does. So she kinda knows what I'm going through but mothers can never really understand the pain you go through when it's to do with boys. 

"He broke up with me," I sobbed into my pillow as my sister and mum stood quietly in my room. 

"Why did he break up with you?" The bed dipped down next to me as my older sister Maggie sat down. She stroked my back soothingly and I cried harder. 

"I-- he--" I couldn't even finish my sentence. More tears stained my pillow. I just wanted to run into his arms. Let him tell me everything was okay. Let him kiss my forehead and tell me a stupid joke then he'd laugh and take me to get ice cream and cuddle with Penguin. 

"You really loved him didn't you?" Mum asked. 

My sobs turned into silent tears. I just laid on my back. Looking up at my ceiling. It wasn't helping. Letters he had written to me were bluetacked to my roof. Photos of us. Just cute things that he had given to me. It probably sounds weird for it to be on the roof. It is a little. I just loved it all so much I wanted it to be on display. It was on my wall my door but I got more posters and had to take it down. The only place for it to actually be was on my roof. I was okay with that. Now, it just makes my heart feel like it's been ripped out and stomped on. 

"Did he do it at the airport?" Maggie asked. 

I sniffed. Letting my hand wipe away some tears. "Yeah," 

"What a douche." She scoffed. 

"He may have totally broken my heart but he's not a douche. I still love him." I defended the blonde boy who made my whole day light up with a simple word. Maggie just rolled her eyes. I sighed. "Sorry for snapping, okay? I'm just not in the best of moods."

"Y/N, come on. Come with me," Mum said climbing off my bed. 

"I'd rather just stay in the dark listening to sad songs and crying." I openly admitted pulling the stuffed Penguin Luke had gotten me for my birthday two months ago. It smelled like him for curlys sake. 

"Just come with me." 

I sighed. Walking out of my room and following mum down the hall. She gestured for me to sit on the couch, for I did. Mum wondered off into the kitchen, only coming back with some chips and drinks. Turning on the tv mum pulled out at least seven dvd's. All action and horror. My favourite type of movies. 

"Okay. Since this is your first heartbreak, we can all sit down and watch movies with you. Lea should be coming around soon. We'll have a big mother-daughter night." Mum smiled. 

"What about the dishes?" I asked with tears still streaming down my face as I clutched onto the soft toy in my arms. Of course the one clean jacket I have is his. 

"Those can wait for tomorrow. Tonight is about making my youngest daughter happy. Is that okay?" 

I nodded. Leaning further into the couch as my tears slowly stopped. I cuddled into the Penguin and his jacket. It smelled of him still. I couldn't even remember what I said to him last. I know I'm making it seem like he's died. But it honestly feels like it. My whole being is literally ripped in two. 

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