All Your Fault. Calum Hood.

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All Your Fault
Calum Hood
"Do you see what you've made me do? Honey, this all your fault."


"Do you see what you've made me do? Honey, this is all your fault. All I did was love you. Why can't you see that? This is all for you! What am I thinking, of course you love me, don't you darling? Don't worry; we'll be able to leave this all behind us soon. After this, it will be just you and me. You and I, forever. Doesn't that sound lovely, dear?"


Nine Hours Earlier

I walked down the carpeted stairs of Calum's apartment and headed towards the kitchen. I pulled out a bowl from under the counter and poured in a random cereal and milk. Sitting at the too-big dining table, I sigh.

As per usual, Calum was already gone. It was only eight in the morning and he had already left the house to go to the studio. That is, if he even came home last night. He's been leaving early and coming back late, claiming that he's been writing for the next album. I understand that being in a band is a full-time thing, but couldn't he spend at least a little time with his girlfriend?

Before he started the Rock Out With Your Socks Out tour, everything was perfect. We knew everything about each other, every little childhood story and embarrassing moment. We spent every possible hour of every day together. And don't even get me started on the sex.

But then the tour started and the calls stopped coming and the texts stopped being sent. And when the tour had ended, things just got worse. Nights out drinking with Luke, days playing video games with Michael, staying the night at Ashton's. I just didn't know what was going on. Half of me was pulling towards finding out what was going on with him, but the other half wanted to stay and sit like the good girlfriend I should be. Perhaps I wouldn't have to make that decision. Maybe Calum would leave me with no choice.

But still, I needed to know what was going on. So I got up from the chair, pulled on a pair of jeans and tucked in Calum's NASA shirt and slipped on some flip-flops, grabbed my keys and wallet and left, determined to get to the bottom of this.


Seven Hours Earlier

I rolled out of the warm sheets and stumbled over to the bedroom in a sleepy haze. I took a piss then washed my hands and face. Looking around the basin, I saw a ridiculous amount of expensive bottles. Some face creams, other hair products, but mostly intoxicating perfumes. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw a stranger staring back. He still had my face, the strong jawline, the sharp cheekbones, the brown eyes, the dark hair, the tanned skin, but everything was off. My jawline was littered with stubble, my cheeks were thinner, my hair was limp on my forehead, my skin was paler, and my eyes were glossed over with the undeniable look of guilt.

I didn't mean for it to happen. It was just one night. Just one night of doubt. I had been doubting my love for Y/N, and then there was a beautiful blonde with a good ass and big tits and I was hooked. It was like the relationship with Y/N was a pool that I didn't know was drowning in, and as soon as my head broke the surface, Amelia was there and pulling me out of the water completely. Now all that's left is the thin layer of dew on my skin that will eventually evaporate in the sun.

Just one night turned into two, then that turned into a week, then two, then a month. I've been cheating for four months. I never wanted to hurt Y/N or lead her on but I just don't know how to end it. I just . . . I guess I just fell out of love with her. I got out of her pool and fell head-first into Amelia's.

I'll have to tell her soon, I think to myself as I walk down the stairs to the kitchen where Amelia is, I just hope she takes it well.

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