Loveable. Luke Hemmings

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Luke Hemmings
Backstory: You get asked about Luke's and yours relationship in a story. Her name is Elianndria.

Girls screamed and cried as the boys smiled and waved walking passed them. Gates held them back, stopping them from basically raping the four teenage boys. Even though Ashton is twenty now.

Luke squeezed my hand, pulling me closer to his side. I smiled up at him. He's so tall, and I just happen to be quiet short, therefore I'm tiny next to him. The girls screamed even louder when he kissed my temple lovingly.

"Hey, you know all these girls are here, because they love you." I told him.

Luke just smiled. "Oh, Elianndria. I know." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Your ego big enough?"

He just chuckled. "I'm joking, sheesh Louise."

"My cousins name is, Louise. You need to say that to her one day," I giggled shielding my eyes from the glowing sun, "she'll be happy if you did."


"She thinks your hot."

"Cause I am."

I giggled. "That I can agree too."

Luke didn't say anything, just smiled.

I sat in between Luke and Calum. Holding Luke's hand that sat gently in his lap. Something we did a lot. Even when it was just us, alone, in the bus or even at his or my house. It's kind of a thing for us. Kissing his cheek I smiled at him. He's adorable.

"Well," The interviewer started, "I'm Jane and I'm here with 5 Seconds Of Summer and a very special guest." She smiled at me. "We have the girlfriend of Mr. Luke Hemmings. So, Elianndria, the first couple of fan questions are for you."

I smiled awkwardly. "Oh, uh, okay..." I trailed off squeezing Luke's hand. He knew how I am with these types of things. I'm awkward in general, so, now it's even worse.

"Okay, so these are just from Twitter, and I might add; a lot came in for you, Elianndria." Jane said holding a phone, which I'm assuming is hers, in her hand. "Question one; What is Luke like on dates? A personal favorite of mine." She added.

I felt my cheeks burn. "We... haven't really been on any dates to be honest." I chuckled.

"We've been on dates." Luke defended.

"The few dates we've been on, you've eaten all the food and walked off to go play Fifa. Those were not proper dates." I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Those have been your dates?" Jane asked.

"Well, Luke had asked me to come to his house and no one was there but a nice dinner sat on the table. At the time, I just got back from being in a car for like seven hours with me and my sisters bickering. All I wanted to do was just sleep but no, Luke wanted be all romanc-y. Uhm, long story short, I threw up, he got grossed out and played Fifa for the rest of the time I was there." I said.

"I thought you didn't like my cooking." Luke replied.

I scoffed. "Mrs Hemmings made it anyway. Just saying- it was amazing food."

Jane smiled. "Another one; How did you meet?"

I looked at Luke. "Our mum's new each other."

"Correction, our mum's new each other and tried to set us up."

"I was actually in the room when Liz came in saying that she found a girlfriend for, Luke." Calum laughed. "She actually ran into the room."

"Yeah, cause I'm awesome." I flicked my hair. "Nah, but we didn't like each other at first. Our mum's new that, so they stopped trying to set us up. One day I saw him at the mall or whatever it was and he asked me to have MickeyD's with him. Ta-da, we were dating."

"How did your mum's react?" Jane asked.

"Very happy," Luke laughed.

A few more questions were asked. We laughed and glared at each other, we joked and played around. Apparently so many people like me and him together.  It's good. It's just nice to be liked for once. Lucas Robert Hemmings is my boyfriend and his friends are my best friends. Life is good.

From: Penguin :*
To: Cuteness :*
Our ship name is trending!! This is how awesome I am... and well maybe you?? Nah. Just me (: Hahah no I'm joking. I weally weally lub yooouuuuuu xox

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